If you consider that climate change is about reducing carbon, and we're carbon, then it is a euphemism, a cover, for depopulation.
That explains the psychological warfare aspect of it.
Of the counselors who have chosen to integrate knowledge of climate change into their skillset, some have argued that "eco-anxiety" is unlike other mental health challenges in that in this case, "the psychological part is really meant to go hand in hand with climate action."
That's the part that worries me. They don't know what climate action means.
They think it means boycotting cars.
It actually means boycotting and demonstrating against the people who are trying to kill you.
Ah indoctrination, the bane of independence and free thought worldwide.
Where are the mandatory vaxx and high-living-costs-due-to-inflation counselings?
Did we missed them?
That's climate change -- to me, anyway.
If you consider that climate change is about reducing carbon, and we're carbon, then it is a euphemism, a cover, for depopulation.
That explains the psychological warfare aspect of it.
That's the part that worries me. They don't know what climate action means.
They think it means boycotting cars.
It actually means boycotting and demonstrating against the people who are trying to kill you.
Liberalism is death cult. The school system indoctrinates these kids into the ideology. Is it any wonder they upset.
It's called Trauma Based Mind Control