link below @ 38:15 for beginning of Burning Bright comments below
"What's crazy to me, its almost hard to put into words because there are so many converging narratives. Like one little one, one seemingly little one out of that is the weaponization of US Intel Agencies like the FBI is already permeating the news cycle, right. Because starting on August 8th, because of the Mar-a-Lago raid, that's already permeating the news cycle. And then it just so happens to be that at the Danchenko trial, when its happening a couple of months later, it just so happens that one month before that trial starts, the revelation goes public that he was an FBI informant and and an FBI asset. So when John Solomon has that shit eating grin on his face and he is talking about how "Its almost beyond belief"... I kinda think he is like one of those guys who is read in to what's going on, at least on a higher level than most journalists. I think he has been provided Intel, there's been a lot of suggestion about how quickly he's picked up on this stuff going on for years. I think he's been one of the main guys, like guys like Brian Cates, somebody I've been following for a long time. But when he says, "Its almost beyond belief," I take it as a wink and a nod.
You know I almost split the difference between a John Solomon approach and Almost Human... Kyle often says "justice takes time, these things take time," right, Bill Barr says that. I accept that, but, are we really to believe that right when things do go over and right when the boomerang does come back, six years later, it just happens to be right before the 2022 midterms and all this stuff that is in the news.
So, for me, this is an interesting example for when people like me say that, you know, we sort of control things or patriots sort of control things more at an overt level. You don't even have to go down that road with this. All you have to do is look into Devolution, or Devolution adjacent kind of concepts and think, "Well, patriots have had the dirt on these guys for six years, and even despite what people like Kyle say, and I love his show and follow all of his research, I don't believe for an instant that charges could not have been brought three years ago. I think though that they have thought strategically, you know like holding your ammunition, right.
They've held back their legal ammunition until, in my opinion, until the collective mind of American society had been saturated with Russian collusion. And conservatives want to see this boomerang come back around. But if it had started with Russian collusion against the FBI and the Clintons and all that kind of stuff years ago, the left is going to check out of that. The normie mind is going to check out of all that stuff.
So I think the way that the narrative seeding works is that you have to give them a digestible pill into or in accepting a Russian collusion narrative, and Trump was basically the walking red pill during his first administration. Any narrative that got deployed against him liberals ate up, the middle of society just ate it all up. So now when those narratives come back around and there's actual legal bite at the end of them, they have to swallow it, right. its like they took a pill four years ago that is just now dissolving. I see it as a strategic timing as to when these trials are happening.
Picking up on Burning Bright's comment about John Solomon always seeming to be ahead of the curve...
Here is video of John Solomon telling Mark Levin about an incident that occurred sometime in the spring of 2017 just after he and Sara Carter had been interviewed on Hannity's show reporting about the flurry of NSA raw intercept identity unmasking that had occurred near the end of the Obama presidency (when the Russia Collusion story was heating up). The clip is from 03/19/19, again, the incident dates back to early 2017. (timestamp - transcript below) transcript above timestamp
08/21/22 Here is Mike Lindell and attorney Kurt Olsen on Dennis Montgomery on 08/21/22 at The Moment of Truth Summit on the subject of Dennis Montgomery... source of the PCAP data, a digital recording of the internet based vote flip hacking during the 2020 election: (52 min)
06/06/2017 Here is John Solomon and Sara Carter on Sean Hannity's show on 06/06/2017, five years earlier, on the subject of Dennis Montgomery and the lawsuit Montgomery had just filed against FBI Director James Comey and just about anyone who was anybody in the Intelligence Community in 2017... (partial transcript)
"We have a man tonight who filed a lawsuit that walked out of the NSA, the CIA and the FBI with 47 hard drives, 600,000,000 documents that were classified, this is way larger than Snowden. He gave it back to the FBI and said, "The reason I took them is because I want to sit down and show you all these mass civil liberties", and nobody's heard about this in the last two years. I think it goes to this larger issue of how much abuse may be going on but beneath the Intelligence Community's cover. And we need to get an answer about how often our identities are compromised, how often our privacy has been effected. We've been looking at this for three months and there is a lot of concrete evidence, facts, that there are violations of that are going on that need to be addressed." (4 min, 30 sec)
(The Fox - Hannity video above is shown during the Lindell/Olsen presentation at The Moment of Truth Summit on 09/21/22 - pcaps and dennis montgomery is real video)
06/05/2017 Here is the lawsuit filed by Montgomery (and) Klayman v. James Comey et. al. filed 06/05/2017, the day before the John Solomon, Sara Carter segment about Dennis Montgomery on Hannity.
Narratives converging...
Mary Fanning approaches Brannon Howse with Dennis Montgomery PCAP data late December - early January 2021, Brannon House approaches Mike Lindell with the PCAP data on 9 January, 2021.
Lindell and Howse cooperate with Mary Fanning to produce the documentary Absolute Proof, released 4 February 2020, about the PCAP data.
During the filming of Absolute Proof, Dr. Doug Frank's presentation on voter demographic anomalies over multiple states is stripped out and made into a second stand-alone documentary, Scientific Proof, released 31 March 2021.
15 April 2021 Lindell and Howse debut platform.
Meantime, Dr. Frank visits Tina Peters, Clerk / Recorder of Mesa County, CO, and advises how to and who can assist her in making before / after forensic images of Mesa County voting equipment prior to and after Dominion technicians, coordinating with and then under the direction of Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, installation of the 'Trusted Build' upgrade to all Dominion voting equipment in Colorado, to include the Mesa County equipment.
23 May 2021 Peters allegedly badges in a Gerald Wood to make
......................before forensic image (Tina denies this occured).
25 May 2021 Dominion technicians execute "Trusted Build" upgrade
... ....... 2021 Peters arranges for after forensic image
However, while the date of the after imaging of the equipment is unknown, indications are it was just prior to Lindell's 10,11,12 August 2021 Cyber Symposium.
True identity of tech who made before / after images is "murky", see article below.
Tina Peters attends the August 2021 Cyber Symposium and in the morning of Day 2, 08/11/21, turns the images over to Mike Lindell and his cyber experts.
08/07/21 Dr. Doug Frank (phone seized by FBI the day after Lindell's phone is seized by the FBI 09/13/22) was interviewed on Saturday, 08/07/21 on Exposure w/ Marcus Dee. Marcus Dee broadcasts out of North Dakota.
(Interview now behind pay wall on Exposure site on Lived on youtube or rumble for a short time.)
Marcus Dee: Where... You've been working hand-in-hand with Mike Lindell, correct?
Dr. Frank: Oh yeah. Since March.
Marcus Dee: Where is he getting this information from? Can you divulge that?
Dr. Frank: I'm not allowed to say yet, but next week that will begin to be divulged. Part of the problem with it... when you think about it, its illegal to hack elections.
Marcus Dee: Who'da thought!
Dr. Frank: Who'da thought! Yeah! Exactly. And so you've got all these people doing illegal things, hacking the election. But there were white hat hackers that were also hacking elections and recording. I mean think about it. Two years before the election...
Marcus Dee: Through who? Through NSA? Through Space Force? Through FBI? Through you can't tell me? O.K.. I understand. I understand.
Dr. Frank: So, how about this? Just use logic. O.K.. So, Trump, an amazing President. He did lots of things during his administration, right? One of the things he did, he started a whole new branch of the military. And he hand picked all the leaders for that. What was that called?
Marcus Dee: I believe that was the Space Force.
Dr. Frank: Yes! Yeah. And you are on the internet, right?
Link to post below with near complete transcript of Dee / Frank interview:
**08/10/21 Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium (3 days) begins at the Veteran's Alliance Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. .
Dominion upgrade to Mesa County, Co equipment occurred after the Grand Junction (Mesa County) municipal election 06 April 2021
Dr. Frank had been working hand-in-hand with Mike Lindell since March.
Scientific Proof is released 31 March 2021.
The timeline chronology would suggest Dr. Frank's, by his own admission, was at the very least working closely with Mike Lindell prior to Dr. Frank meeting with Tina Peters. Can find no source to pin down the date Dr. Frank first met with Tina Peters, whether it was before he first met Lindell during 4 February 2021 taping of Absolute Proof, but prior to 05/25/21 (date of Dominion 'Trusted Build' upgrade).
Anything from when he begins close association with Lindell in March 2021 gets problematic for Dr. Frank and Mike Lindell. There is easily and appearance of ... dare I say it... "collusion." (20 sec)
Recommend reading near full transcript of the 08/08/21 Dee/Frank interview... there are some additional tidbits patel patriot (Jon) and Burning Bright would also find interesting.
Now, toss in the Dennis Montgomery boomerang red pill.