I'm sick as shit, cousin tested positive for it even though those tests are sketchy,
Took ivermectin 2 nights in a row, 12mg, not noticing much of a difference, maybe even getting worse... any insights or advice?
I'm sick as shit, cousin tested positive for it even though those tests are sketchy,
Took ivermectin 2 nights in a row, 12mg, not noticing much of a difference, maybe even getting worse... any insights or advice?
I weight like 150. 12mg not enough?
According to the FLCCC dosing charts, 150 -170 lbs. should have a dosage of 15mg for a 1 x weekly preventative dose along with the vitamin protocol.
Note: You must include the vitamin protocol for it to work.
BUT! Once you are actively sick, everything changes. You then change course and take 2x or 3x that rate of Ivermectin DAILY for 5 days, and at least double of the vitamin protocol.
If illness is not fully resolved after 5 days, continue the 2x or 3x preventative dose for another 10 days.
IMPORTANT! Like others have said here in the comments, Ivermectin is just one part of the cure protocol. The other part is the combo nutrient defense of taking Vit C, Zinc, Melatonin, Aspirin, & Quercetin at the same time. Otherwise, you are not getting the full result.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Ivermectin cures many things that are related to viruses and parasites. It does not cure everything. If you have for instance a bacterial infection like a sinus infection it will not help. You must seek additional options to clear that.
No, that's the right dose. But make sure you have zinc.