"I have great respect for Xi, you could never find an actor like that in all of Hollywood..."
Movie confirmation?
Xi isn't China, that is, he's not CCP China.
Just as there are two Americas, there are two Chinas. The America that fermented wars all around the world, undermined regimes, fostered corruption and death, that's the Cabal America, the CIA instrument using America. Is that the American people? No. Is that Trump? No.
In China, there is the evil, lawless State Mafia regime - the CCP - and then there are the millions and millions of Chinese who do NOT want death, destruction and evil, who are just trying to survive, not to mention practice their faith etc, without being rounded up and murdered.
I get what you’re saying. He’s pretty openly communist though, which is anti freedom, unless I’m missing something.
OK. Let's say that your goal is to bring down the local mafia from the inside. You're living in a mafia-run world, and everything and anything is run by the mafia. The only way to bring them down, or even facilitate their demise, is to be in the system. There is zero possibility of being outside the mafia to do anything.
Do you walk around saying, I hate the mafia! I'm going to bring you down! I stand for non-corruption, and for halting our criminal activities!
No. Because within 20 days, you're whacked, and it's all over.
It's speculative whether Xi is really pro-CCP or anti-CCP. Whether Xi is actually working with DJT and Putin and the White hats to bring down the international Cabal and free China. Q asked the question, and actions and interactions by DJT certainly give indication that something is going on. (Trump is the ONLY US president to ever be invited in and welcomed in the Forbidden City in Beijing. What's with that?
In evaluating the information and forming potential theories to explain what might be happening (after which I usually assign a sort of hypothetical probability threshold, like "really, really likely", "possible", "unlikely", etc), Xi's behavior and role as top of the regime in the CCP seems consistent to me with the idea that he's working with White Hats in the world to bring down the system.
One information point is Gorbachev. It was the supreme leader of the politburo in the USSR, Gorbachev, who actually facilitated and became instrumental in the collapse and disintegration of the USSR. So, how on earth did he get to the top of the system, a system of murders, devils and mafioso? It wasn't because he was an "anti-communist", you can bet on that.
In the case of Xi, other points to consider include the different factions within the CCP, where their power bases are, etc. In systems like the USSR, the CCP or the Mafia, it is ALL about power. Power struggles. And to gain power and wield power, you need to be a part of the system, and work in the system.
I couldn't say for certain whether Xi is truly working with the white hats, or whether he is truly working to liberate China from the CCP, but him being openly communist is certainly NOT a fact that would be any different if he is. NOT at this stage of the game.
But if he wins absolute control and power, and all the other factions, and powers, in China, are extinguished, then its possible at some point he might make the move to say: we need to reform, change. etc. Like Gorby did, for example.
For now, however, one can really only gather information, apply logic and reasoning, and maybe intuition, and come up with theories. For a large part, I'm inclining strongly towards Xi is working with DJT and the Whiteys, until further notice.
Well written. I agree with your conclusion.
Thanks for laying it out like that. I appreciate it.