It looks like Secret Service is no longer telling people to hide their Q swag at Trump's rallies...
Blue check marks are mad, kek...

Weird to see a Rothschild worry about what gear people are wearing.
So true. I have heard about the radical idea of living in a free country and people wear what the hell they want. And say what the hell they want to, while we're at it.
It triggers him and for good reason.
Q team can hear them breathing.
Should people thank this guy for letting us know?
His surname should give you a clue. They're either desparate or he must really be bottom of the barrel to be assigned to Twitter duty.
Yeah I definitely think Q could possibly just be a consolidation of power by the same old elites that have always been, but also kinda excited if they make a good show out of it. lol
MSM has a new narrative to carry. Q has to be a factor for every event now.
It's almost like, maybe all those people you called conspiracy theorists were correct about a lot of those theories.
I was at the PA rally two weeks ago and they were definitely walking the line before we went in the building, telling people to change their shirt or turn it inside out if there was profanity, but I also saw a few Q shirts get flagged. So this is new. If I recall, this was only allowed once, and once only; a rally I think in Tampa, summer of 2018?