Until they add those "100 updoodles" and "1000 updoodles", the one up vote shall have to suffice.
However, fear not. Surely the Lord Kek, in his compassion, knows and values every little upvote given with a sincere heart by patriotic and loyal pedes.
"There's been a lot of what I would call unwarranted hopium around here over the last couple of years."
Perhaps. But back on PDW, the dooming was so thick it was like a river fog. A little extra hopium does us all good.
Yur thinking of hopermectin. Recommended by 9 out of 10 pepes.
I wish I could give more than one up vote for "hopermectin."
Until they add those "100 updoodles" and "1000 updoodles", the one up vote shall have to suffice.
However, fear not. Surely the Lord Kek, in his compassion, knows and values every little upvote given with a sincere heart by patriotic and loyal pedes.