did we just enter darkness?
mil 'exercise' in phoenix, possibly other metro areas
financial cabal ready to topple
comms, time of queen lowered into ground
biden says covid over
legal white hat progress
illegals(?) being pumped into blue areas- triggering natl guard deployments
what else anons?
I'm just trying to 'see' the funny side here because you cannot rely on any Government controlled Entity/Institution for help when you need it....Its always Delaaayed reacting...🤡🌎We just do what we can and carry on...😉😎
I live in TX and had 4 days of no power during the 2021 storm. Been there and agree.
During the East coast Australia floods in March we were without electricity, phone and internet for 3-4 days. And unable to go anywhere because of a washed away road and huge landslip. Definitely made me reflect on the blackout phase of the Q plan.
The govt actually waited 10 days before sending in the army to "help" with clean up operations. The locals were the ones who performed all the rescues and opened up most of the roads themselves with their (our) own equipment.
It was proof for many that it is both unnecessary and foolish to rely on the govt for anything. Especially when a disaster occurs...
When seconds count, the government is days away. Government/police protection is an illusion. It goes without saying but self-reliance is key, and good neighbors too