You asked, threatened, even offered bribes (no joke, someone PM'd me, offering me $1,000) to fix the way our WIN's search works, and, for so long, our answer has sucked. We can't. As a .WIN, we benefit from the (may peace be upon their devs) main codebase given to all the WINs by the devs. So sometimes, when search doesn't work, we can't really do anything about it.
Thanks to our in-house coding genius, u/Bubble_Bursts, we have found a way to AWESOMEIZE our .WIN's search via a convenient .JS addon script you can download into your browser that adds some rogue, unauthorized features!
The script lets you scroll forever 'till the end (no pages, which makes searching for something way easier), and, well, that's it. But that's pretty fricking awesome and saves a ton of time!
Here's how to get it:
Get TamperMonkey for your browser here.
Tampermonkey is the most popular userscript manager, with over 10 million users. It's available for Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next, and Firefox.
Download the script. TamperMonkey will automatically install it. Get it here:
NOTE: If it doesn't automatically install, you will have to make the script inside the TamperMonkey's dashboard. If this proves necessary for lots of users, would one of you mind whipping up some quick instructions? I'll paste them here.
That's it! Oh. One more script is coming as soon as u/Bubble_Bursts is finished with it that will also awesomize a different feature.
Any suggestions? Please send us a DETAILED modmail.
PS - to the user that offered me $1000, please use this Bitcoin address:
(kidding, can you decode that?)
That would be neat. I will ask a GPT about that. But, why would you want it as a bookmarklet? I'm not sure I fully understand how those work. How long can a bookmark be?
Essentially, it's like a javascript button that exists as a bookmark. I use them quite a lot for other sites. I have folders of them. The benefit is that you have an easy way to turn a script on, and it's still manual. I enjoy knowing which scripts I am running. A bookmarklet can be pretty long, I'm not sure there is a limit outside that script size limit. Actually, I can make the script referenced as a bookmarklet on here. I will do it by loading the script as a file instead, so create a new bookmark. Name it anything. In the URL field, paste the following code:
Some browsers will remove the
part of the paste, so go to the url beginning and make sure it's there. Save it, and then when on the right page, just click the bookmark.Or as a sinple test you could paste this as the url.
javascript: alert('hello world');