bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

In stories like this, there is always something deeper behind the optics. Sometimes the exact opposite of what is being said.

Its quite possible that the DS is going after the Judge for potentially not doing their bidding (in this case) and frame it as if its for Trump's benefit.

Could also be indicative of the power struggle for this Judge's strings from multiple controllers.

bubble_bursts [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please make these kind of opinions known in the relevant posts that you are referring to rather than soapboxing like this.

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +4 / -1

Must read book for Hitler researchers - "Magic of Money" by Hajalmar Schaacht.

Hitler worked out a deal to let the Jews leave Germany with most of their assets repatriated in 3 years.

His central banker went to London to meet the head Rabbi for approval and was rejected.

They wanted to make sure Jews are allowed to leave Germany only if they go to Palestine.

Holocaust (at least somme of it definitely happened, much smaller in scale than 6 million) happened to scare and force Jews to Palestine (for future Israel)

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Every once in a while they used to post the megathread on /pol/ with every documentation and proof that at the very least Holocaust was not the way we were told. Someone should find it and post it on this x thread!

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Covid was fake but the Covid research was very real. They spend decades trying to create a lethal infectious toxin and failed, so they resorted to a psyop.

We have to hold the people behind this psyop accountable and the only way to do it is to first hold them accountable for their "virus fain of function research" instead of focusing on "viruses do not exist"

bubble_bursts 0 points ago +2 / -2

Just as the world is waking up to the gain of function and wanting to hold these monsters accountable, suddenly all these "viruses dont exist" folks are making a huge noise. This is not a coincidence. They have all the hallmarks of controlled opposition.

The only fact is that no one has been able to isolate a pure virus that can be proven to be infectious.

It does not mean all of the research into making "viruses more lethal" is fake because these people are clearly creating some kind of toxin whether you want to call it a "virus" or not.

This is just a braindead scheme to let these monsters go scot free by screaming "viruses dont exist"

bubble_bursts 5 points ago +5 / -0

It happened in stages.

1871 Organic Act of DC created a corporate entity outside the control of US constitution.

1900 Peurto Rico created - another entity outside the US constitution

1913 IRS created as a Peurto Rican corporation

1933 Emergency Banking Act - formalized the bankruptcy of US and brought the republic under corporate control using the above structures already established by then.

Anyone who says it happened earlier to 1933 is giving only partial information and can be easily "debunked"

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pls explain what he predicted. The video gives me headache.

bubble_bursts 5 points ago +5 / -0

Interesting timeline. 22 years before the Great Fire of London that cleared way for the City of London and the ascension of the Bankers and the final stage of the Luciferian war against humanity.

It was crucial to destroy all monarchies as the first step for a one world government under Satan, and thats what they set forth to do since that time. The "anti-monarch" sentiment was no doubt artificially fanned by the Cabal.

For Rutherford to advocate for liberties while also holding the divine right of kings seems like the perfect common sense middle ground that the Cabal hates so much. They like us to be in extremes all the time.

I will add this to my reading list.

bubble_bursts 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have colored myself skeptical on crypto for many reasons, but not one of them warrants government controls on crypto. Whether its gonna be the future or just a dud in the end, its gotta be free and if Trump is on board with it, it will win over. hearts of many dream eyed people!

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nothing better than watching a young guy get excited by Trump!

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are a good fren. You suffer so we dont have to. Please keep us posted1

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

This part bothered me so much for so many years and I had hours of debates with Christian friends to no end, driving them crazy.

The answer, after I found Q, is very simple.

Jesus came here to give us the blueprint to free ourselves from sin. What is the original Sin? Eve sleeping with the Devil and begetting Kane. Its the descendants of Kane that are the folks behind the shadows ruling out world, aka, Evil - Cabal as we loosely term it.

So what does it mean to free ourselves from Sin? To free ourselves from the shackles of the Cabal.

How do we do this? By understanding what Jesus taught and accepting it. You will never believe Jesus's teaching will free us from the Cabal unless you believe Jesus was real and he suffered to free the world.

That is all the meaning of "accepting Jesus" is. It saves us from the Evil Cabal. We dont go to heaven or we dont become "special" when we die. When we free ourselves from Evil we get to enjoy the bounties of this World that God blessed us with.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Happens all the time to me and same with others I talk to. Basically, if you have a device that is an AI assistant they constantly send whatever they pickup to the sever (for "training purposes") but, that gives the loop hole to do other things with it.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check my post hsitory. I posted a complete list of all alternate therapies with sauce.

bubble_bursts 5 points ago +5 / -0

Clif High calls this Hyper Novelty. Simply put, "welcome to the real world". He has been claiming that by June everyone will be in Hyper Novelty and it will drive the normies totally crazy.

More than just the veil of deceit being dropped, its also an increase in spiritual levels. The real "welcome to the real world" so to speak. Remember how Buddha (and many others) say that the world is a mirage? Its the same thing, and we are finally seeing beyond the mirage not just in material realm but also in spiritual realm.

However, Anons who knew and who have been expecting this will find this soothing, calming and even if they feel a bit stressed, can easily handle it.

Personally I have been experiencing so many "coincidences" in my life I am not even amazed by it. The number of times I think about some question and the next day I find the answer in some GAW comment (completely off topic) - I am not even keeping count of those. Same in other ways too.

Two weeks ago I was suddenly craving a specific crab dish that is very hard to make, very expensive and only my in-laws know how to make and haven't made it in 15 years. Last week we were invited for dinner, for guess what dish? That exact dish.

When we shared my experience with my mil, you know what she said? She said that when she bought the crabs in the market she was not planning this dish at all. She was just gonna steam it, but suddenly after she came home it just came into her mind to make this dish one last time. Others in the gathering actually used the word "manifesting" it and it was agreed by all that I indeed must have manifested it.

Like I said, I cant even keep track of things like this. Would love to hear your experiences and coincidences you are seeing, if you dont mind sharing.

PS: Stay away from therapists.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good thing once it reaches 100% tax is that it wont increase no more.

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

Want to watch a masterpiece of cinema ?

Try Ascension - A Soviet WW2 war thriller that almost did not get permission to be released. There is rumour that she wanted to depict Jesus on the Soviet big screen, and Belarusians intervened to make the movie happen. The director died in a car crash 3 years later during thee filming of her next Movie along with the cameraman of this movie. Makes you think that KGB and CIA have the same methods.

Anyway, this movie really makes you think, happy viewing!

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

That sounds so awful. I am confident that there will be a point in future where she will realise how badly she has been manipulated and find her way back. Just hang in there until then.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Laat week I introduced the idea of a Quadrillion Line of Credit t

Sounds intriguing, Point me to this post?

by sol7
bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Its never been about control. Its about Evil"

Now, thats a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree.

Redefining words is for the leftists, we should keep our concepts simple.

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