308 Smudge the cat IS ALIVE! (media.greatawakening.win) 🏳️ FALSE FLAG 👮 posted 2 years ago by MAGA_100X 2 years ago by MAGA_100X +309 / -1 24 comments download share 24 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
That's a cool meme, Dog :)
...it was a gift from my friends the mods....
...doggy grins....
Yay!! RIP Thurston Waffles. Bummer they both weren’t here.
That cat ain't no pussy.
Psychotic dwarf with an afro 😁👌🏼
Now do Epstein and JFK Jr. (And Abe, because I really like him).
Anyone else think this meme cat saga is actually comms to prep us for other famous figures that will turn out not to be as dead as initially thought?
bingo bango bongo
Lol "rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated"🐸
:-) Frmr Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe. Confusingly writing, I was.
It was a joke ; )
My screw up.
Smudge lord has an instagram account you can check to see if he's still alive:
This was the scare event I think.
It was Thurston, but people on the internet used Smudge's photo. I guess they didn't notice that Thurston is a long hair cat, but Smudge isn't.
Here is something slightly more important. (Its my own failed ass Link Post of Trump interview day 2 just in case you're wondering I don't want to mislead anyone)
This is a weird night on here. A lot of really... Um, how shall I say
Uninteresting unimportant disengaged
Seems to be tops.