Go back to the special ops night mission in down town LA back in 2018 or 2019 if i recall… people exiting a building wearing hazmat suits carry small duffle bags… loading into special forces choppers…interestingly enough… that building was slated for demo a little ways beyond that raid…. Food for thought.
Go back to the special ops night mission in down town LA back in 2018 or 2019 if i recall… people exiting a building wearing hazmat suits carry small duffle bags… loading into special forces choppers…interestingly enough… that building was slated for demo a little ways beyond that raid…. Food for thought.
Yes, that was quite an operation. No way was it a practice like they claimed.
If that wasn't the attack in question, it was a similar one with the same intentions.
A lot of us thought there was a dirty bomb planted there that was taken out.
My first thought also...Thank God for white hats! Praying for their safety!