If we take the 6 years at face value, that means the timeline is set for Wednesday, July 9, 2025.
If Biden is around that long, we're well screwed by then...
So, what is your guys' take?
Personally, when I see the "6 years" I think about all the alchemical stuff I've read and go straight to this line from the Story of Nicholas Flamel:
'He declared that the first figures represented time, which devours all things, while the six written leaves shewed that a space of six years was required to perfect the Stone, after which there must be no further coction. When I pointed out that according to the book the figures were designed to teach the First Matter he answered that the six years coction was like a second agent; that as regards the first it was certainly shewn forth as a white and heavy water, which was doubtless quicksilver. The feet of this substance could not be cut off, meaning that it could not be fixed and so deprived of volatility except by such long decoction in the pure blood of young children. The quicksilver uniting with gold and silver in this blood would change with them, firstly into a herb like that of the fair flower on the reverse of the fourth leaf, secondly by corruption into serpents, which serpents, being dried and digested by fire, would become Powder of Gold, and of such in truth is the Stone. This explanation sent me astray through a labyrinth of innumerable false processes for a period of one and twenty years, it being always understood that I made no experiments with the blood of children, for that I accounted villainous.'
If the United States is the Stone, then taking this passage literally means the Trump and Patriots are taking us through the Great Work -- A Transmutation of the Nation to purify us and re-Consecrate us in the Name of the Creator, just as our Founding Fathers did.
The links in the quote go to Q-posts that support my hypothesis.
What are your thoughts on that crazy bit?
Not really because of the election in 2024.
u/Jscholl17 Which would mean we're stuck with Brandon until 2025. Thanks for playing. 👍
Only if he isn't removed before then.