Nazi Azov Battalion members were at Capitol Hill yesterday...
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They've just missed the place not having been in there since 1/6/21.
That's some Wag the Dog kind of bullshit right there.
A handful of twats in fancy dress.
Gayzov Batallion
if we give them intel, I hope is bad intel. Never understood the goal of intel sharing. Keep your country safer by keeping state secrets, within the state.
Wasn't the first time they'd been to the capital...
yikes! Daria is an idiot.
Ah, see at least one is a member of the red string club, too
And if patriots ARE in control, wtf would they even allow this shit in the first place, these people to show up in our nation? No one is in control, but our Heavenly Father, and I am REALLY waiting for Him to make His presence known, and his unhappiness known, to ALL.
“Released Azov”, tell me more