It doesn’t get much clearer than this...
2 year delta. President Trump retruths the same video that Q posted exactly 2 years ago...
Not only that, but he did it 3 minutes after midnight. Almost like he was emphasizing it. “Okay guys! The date just changed to September 28th, check this out!” 😁

Its funny but there are an absolute influx of TV shows starting to show video manipulation of people. One shit channel here in Blighty has just advertised a show that has the PM screaming about that's not me in that video saying that. They are about to put Bruce Willis in a film with Marilyn Monroe. I think i can see what their defence is going to be.
Much of the original "evidences" have been recorded on analogue tape so as to thwart this very tactic.
I thought as much but i think it is aimed at the sheep and there are still to many of them
Desperate criminals are always the last to realize how transparent they are 🍿
There’s a very interesting presentation on deepfakes and consequent blackmail inflation by Patrick Ryan on The Dark Stoa.
I believe they were using this against General Flynn.
I’m in Blighty. What’s the reference?
I'm guessing he's talking about BBC show "The Capture" Show about deep state using deep fakes to fabricate evidence against who they deem as terrorists. The second season it was used to make a politician popular. They also introduced using AI to scan social media profiles and make predictions on how people will react to stimulus.
Actually the show wasn't bad and not that woke either.
My family who are completely Guardian newspaper readers are an interesting example. So they read The Independent until they shut down the printed newspaper, moved to The Guardian and were reporting on the horror of deepfakes eight years ago, apparently lots of hypothetic horror strories repeatedly written on the subject arounf 2016. My take on it at the time was that they were getting their minds screwed up to the extent they can't function without the MSM. So the left have been primed and memory holed deepfakes, anything that's actually real they regard as a deepfake if it doesn't come from their drug suppliers. These are the people that will never wake up. I've tried for fifteen years, they just dig in, last conversation I had on politics they admitted carte blanche that white van drivers in the UK are thick and need re-education. F....... lunatics they are making good , kind people, they've destroyed my family on a number of levels.
In 2016, it sounds like those articles were running cover for everyone's favourite female US Presidential candidate and the unfortunate case of her husband's ex-staffer and his laptop with the "insurance" file featuring some pretty sick stuff that was for a while in the custody of NYPD and caused hardened cops to commit hurry curry. Not to worry, I'm sure it's just a deepfake....the media told me so! sarcasm
Well when the videos are released or used at a Military trial they will use the excuse that deep fake videos are being shown and it is not them in the evidence. To do that they need to plant the seeds in the sheeps minds so they can sell it. They do that by dropping it subtely into movies and tv shows over the last few years. With this new show all subtlety has gone. Panic maybe? Hope so