188 Go get em Ian (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by ftc316 2 years ago by ftc316 +190 / -2 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Lord Jesus save the children. All of them.
Maybe it will flood all those underground tunnels
Excellent thought!
What would Disney do with all of the naked child slaves?
They can't evacuate all of them without drawing attention.
Don't they have their own airport and probably a fleet of private planes that just happen to need to be evacuated to save from storm damage.
They had the ability to build one (and even a nuclear reactor!) but they blew it and will lose all self-governance next June or July.
They could still build an airport in that time, if they had competent leadership (but they don't.)
idk man disney is actually kinda neat.
no pedo
Six Flags and Cedar Fair > Disneyland
The Saddest Place on Earth!
I fully support this current thing! Haha. ^_^