"WTF does Q is fake even mean?? ... Try Harder Soyboys" @lebronsonroids on TS, Link in Comments
Q is a PSYOP!
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Protip: anyone who references Q as "Qanon" is a certified know-nothing dumbass.
....or a deep state propaganda agent.
One or the other. Or both.
What's the difference?
Need no further than this term to identify retards and those who aren’t.
To be sure...EVERYONE/ANYONE that has NOT done their research will realize rather quickly that 1) Q is a Psyop...2) QANON is "FAKE" that spreads shista to obfuscate what is happeninG...3) To confuse and make people harbor distrust of what is said on Q...4) Done deliberately so they can keep the power...NO MATTER WHAT THE COST OR WHO IS HURT...THAT IS ALL!!!
What about the font? A strange choice to be sure, but you're implying there's some significance to it.
neon revolt uses one simliar
If he’s fake then how’d they hear about it and from whom? 💥
I’m really starting to get upset with these people on TS. It’s starting to effect the user experience when people who are supposed to e pulling on the same side of MAGA seek you out to personally attack you simply because you follow and Re-Truth Q. President Trump Re-truths Q…is it a coordinated attack? It feels almost manufactured - maybe to raise awareness of Q and to egg people on to researching it for themselves? I don’t know, these trolls seek you out and tag you daily. I rarely open the app anymore because they are really vile.
Well when you get upset, I have found through my experience that it is best to back up and remember it is the internet. Trolls can be retarded, but they are just trolls. Stand strong in your resolve. Before posting, have a good understanding of what you are posting about. If anyone gives you flack, flood them with information supporting your statement. It doesn't matter what forum you choose, it is about how you react to those that you interact with on that forum. And don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. What do you have to lose?