Come on now, it's the FBI. They probably said "we can get your whistleblowing information directly to PRESIDENT TRUMP" and that's what they mean by "Russian Agent". Probably handed over a video of Hunter taking a briefcase of money and drugs from the Chinese or something.
If the FBI is involved in anything these days I'm assuming it's 100% bullshit.
If a secret comes my way I sure as hell ain't telling the fbi bois!
that pos thought he was selling to russian fsb
Selling to Rissian?...Well than, lock'um up! I was gonna suggest the rope when I thought he sold out to fbi bois!!
thought it was russian but was fbi bois
Come on now, it's the FBI. They probably said "we can get your whistleblowing information directly to PRESIDENT TRUMP" and that's what they mean by "Russian Agent". Probably handed over a video of Hunter taking a briefcase of money and drugs from the Chinese or something.
If the FBI is involved in anything these days I'm assuming it's 100% bullshit.
Would you like me to change your mind?
/me checks watch.
Whatchu got?
Death of the traitors would slow this shit way down.
that'd take care of ~75% of the FBI.
FBI probably had a higher bidder in china.
Nsa good guys fbi looking for good pr
Unless if maybe they're trying to set FBI up as a refuge of the deepstate, only to pull the rug out from under them?
Archived Article:
thanks fren
i dont no.makes sense.hopefully more info will come out....edit..i dont know