This is the beginning of the events in Red October. Trump is going to prove in court that the election was stolen. Its the only way to bypass the biased media.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡

Thank you! We have been stressed about exterior situations in life and it's been hard to keep together lately but we are getting better. I think everyone is really, just in their own way. We shouldn't break maybe 700 total for everything, but it means a lot more to us to keep it simple rather than add any more planning stress to anything. It's not necessary to go all out anyway, we would rather keep the money in case we face hard times that I'm guaranteed will come soon, as we all here are well aware of.
I did tell her; something I've noticed about weddings; the bigger they are, the more likely they will divorce lol. I used to do photography and video for weddings and that stayed pretty consistent. The little weddings made for much better photography too because people weren't so stiff
You have already won the biggest battle. You don't give a crap about appearances, like the biggest and the best. You have a very good chance at success, And its been an extreme pleasure, to have conversed with you, even if it is only on this public forum.
The spirit and heart have the greatest value to me. To be full in both is my priority, always. Thank you, and you as well
"I did tell her; something I've noticed about weddings; the bigger they are, the more likely they will divorce lol. I used to do photography and video for weddings and that stayed pretty consistent."
Amen to that! I was a professional photographer till about 1985. And once, when I was looking back at my files, I noticed that 90% of the weddings I'd photographed had ended in divorce.
My wife and I, on the other had, eloped, and never had a full wedding at all. Yet here we still are!
We've lived together for a while, and it's practical at this point. Nether of us are really stressed about doing it, just making sure what little we are doing is secured. Wedding photography was so exhausting, but they loved my work. I just wish corporate America didnt try to push the whole extravagant wedding meme, because it makes for a less significant experience. At the end of the day, is it really worth all that stress, time and money? For some it is, and to each their own, but not for me and mine, lol
Many of the divorces come from women who would rather have a wedding than a marriage. The more fancy the wedding, the less prioritized the marriage.