Ernest Ramirez says he was offered money from FEMA
for his son's burial if he just would agree to say on
paper that the cause of death was COVID instead of the
COVID vax. He refused the money. Now he travels to
tell his story so that his son's death will not be in vain.
🔍 Notable

I can hardly wait for the jabbed to figure out they've been duped.
And for those who took it for the sake of their families, knowing they were putting themselves into the line of fire, I can hardly wait for the class action lawsuits to begin.
The jabbed will soon figure it out. Very soon. Lots of chatter on Facebook saying that the mRNA will be activated soon.
What is the activator or activating factor that they are talking about on fb?
Disinfo to muddy the waters and make us look stupid honestly. Stick to stories like this poor father. There’s tons of them.