Holy shit I did not know this, but Tulsi is a high ranking officer in US MIL Intelligence, Psychological Operations Command. - Clandestine
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

I know that people are upset with Clandestine from his draw-a-line-in-the-sand approach to support Tulsi with knowing of her recent connections and views. However. this still deservers digging from the anons to see if she has connections to White Hats.
"The same exact US MIL personnel we believe to be running the Q operation, Tulsi is part of it.
Notice how she’s the only one who spoke out on the existence of US Biolabs in Ukraine. Notice how she’s been administering red pills to centrists for years. Notice how she’s inflicting MASSIVE damage to the DNC before the midterms.
She’s 100% a White Hat, through and through."
But there are no biolabs. There are no engineered viruses. That was a DS scam to get people to inject themselves with poison.
I’m still gonna wait on this.
Someone has been watching Infowars
I don't watch, but has Alex Jones been saying that there aren't any biolabs?
Not at all. Meaning he hasn't been saying there aren't. Matter of fact he emphasizes there are/were and many of them.