To Have Gotten This Far Without a Single Dose of the Clotshot is Turning Out to Be a Huge Virtue.
Each day that goes by I feel the balance of validation that I knew not to take it (and convinced a number of others not to as well) along with sadness for those who did, but I could not convince.
These are surreal days to be alive. I hope to see these bastards hang for what they've done to so many people and for so long. May God's Kingdom come soon.
No shots for me or any of my family. Parents and siblings all clot shot free!! A cousin and her family took the shot very early on (I think November, when it came out) and they all had covid for Christmas that year. I kept asking "how could you get covid??? Didn't you get the shot to prevent it???" and since she's in healthcare and much more superior to me, a commoner, she said that there was covid in the shot and that's how they got it.
Her whole family is clot shotted. I'm just waiting, so far besides all of them having covid and not questioning it (I'm sure it would have been worse if they hadn't gotten the shot) all are still alive and not having any serious problems.
I thank GOD every day that we made it through without clot shots. I thought I would lose my husband to getting it when his new job of a year mandated it. Nope, I was surprised and am STILL surprised he didn't do it! I am so glad I don't need to worry about my close family. I worry about my extended family who were sheep, however that's not in my hands. I can't help but think that I will be devastated, however also secretly validated if my cousin has any side effects. So conflicted on that one.
It's obvious your cousin is shit at her job.
Your cousin didn't do even the most rudimentary of research.
ahah there's no covid in the shot, only the most dangerous part of it. The part that was 'discovered', talked about a lot and then forced onto everyone as a decent vaccination technique. right from the start it was absurd.