I've been working on the text for a proposed Constitutional amendment that enshrines our natural medical rights in order to prevent government from interfering with them ever again.
I'm asking for help in shaping the wording so that the text can be made perfect. (When the time comes that the amendment can be passed, the text should be ready in advance).
Here it is:
Government shall not pass any law infringing upon the sanctity and privacy of the relationship of doctor and patient, nor preventing patients from seeking medical care from experts of their own choosing, nor infringing upon the right of doctors to practice medicine according to their own research and conscience. No entity, public or private, shall mandate medical treatments of any kind, and government shall not enforce licensure onto professionals [which has historically been used to control and silence doctors], nor impose certificates of need [which are monopolistic]. Nor shall anyone infringe upon the right of visitation by family members, or whomever else the patient shall choose. Government shall not interfere in the free market of medical insurance or in prescription drugs, except for cases of fraud. The doctor and patient, not the government, shall be the arbiter of which drugs are used and for which purpose.
EDIT: (Based on comments). Ongoing.
Do not forget to add teeth. The problem with our Constitution, besides Civil Rights law, the Constitution has no teeth/punishments for breaching laws. Teeth should be added to your suggestion, along with every Amendment especially the 1st and 2nd.
Maybe, but it's pretty good as is IMHO. Teeth come at the state level IMHO.
Suggestion, example? How would you add teeth?