No different from USA at the end of the day. Our governments are being interfered with by persons not yet identified. If they don't like the plan they crash the economy! Boris & Rishi was doing a good job of that before. MPs said enough!
Message 'if we don't like the people in authority we will get rid of them!'
Is that true though? A problem with "The Plan" (per Q), at least with regards to an outside view of it, is that it looks exactly the same as the Globalist Plan. The only difference is (presumably) how easy it is to see, and hopefully the end result (because of how easy it is to see). Thus project Warp Speed. If it goes faster (like it is), massive amounts of people see the fraud.
There are always a percent of people who see the fraud. In the Soviet takeover for example, quite a few fought back. It just wasn't enough. It is the percent of the population who see the fraud that is the key to which side wins.
The only path out of the slavery we have been living in for millennia is for We The People to stand up for ourselves. We need to eliminate the control structures that have been built by the aristocracy. It isn't about "getting the right people in leadership," it's about understanding that the entire concept of a Centralization of Authority is the fraud. It doesn't matter who is leading the UK (or the US, etc.). It is coming to a deep seated realization that our whole concept of a National Government is a fraud. This fraud is based on the frauds of Rulership and Jurisdiction.
Rulership, i.e. Central Authority inevitably infringes on our Inalienable Rights. It can't do otherwise. This fraud AKA what it means "to Rule." is ultimately a fraud of Jurisdiction. Each of us is the King or Queen of our own lives (and in any reasonable society, our property). We are all Sovereign, and that is our jurisdiction. When a Sovereign Government, AKA a Central Authority declares jurisdiction over our lives, our property, "for the greater good" (or National Security, or whatever reason they give) that is where the fraud happens. When the Central Authority builds "infrastructure," (physical, economic, etc.) that requires us to rely on it, it allows that Central Authority to claim jurisdiction over our lives. It is through creating need that this jurisdictional fraud by a Central Authority is implemented.
In order for We The People to get rid of that Central Authority and gain full Jurisdiction of our own lives we must feel the need to get rid of our Centralized Authority Governmental System entirely.
That's going to take a lot of pain. I think we have to see the "End of the World" plan (AKA The Utopia Plan) in it's entirety. We have to see where such a system inevitably leads (through their jurisdictional fraud), in this case at Warp Speed so the fraud is revealed to a large enough percentage of the population.
I don't know how long it will take, but I think we still have a ways to go.
Because he's not permanent. It's a means to an end. He's a central figure that's shined a light on the corrupt establishment where the power is centralized.
Globalist 1:0 People of UK
No different from USA at the end of the day. Our governments are being interfered with by persons not yet identified. If they don't like the plan they crash the economy! Boris & Rishi was doing a good job of that before. MPs said enough!
Message 'if we don't like the people in authority we will get rid of them!'
Is that true though? A problem with "The Plan" (per Q), at least with regards to an outside view of it, is that it looks exactly the same as the Globalist Plan. The only difference is (presumably) how easy it is to see, and hopefully the end result (because of how easy it is to see). Thus project Warp Speed. If it goes faster (like it is), massive amounts of people see the fraud.
There are always a percent of people who see the fraud. In the Soviet takeover for example, quite a few fought back. It just wasn't enough. It is the percent of the population who see the fraud that is the key to which side wins.
The only path out of the slavery we have been living in for millennia is for We The People to stand up for ourselves. We need to eliminate the control structures that have been built by the aristocracy. It isn't about "getting the right people in leadership," it's about understanding that the entire concept of a Centralization of Authority is the fraud. It doesn't matter who is leading the UK (or the US, etc.). It is coming to a deep seated realization that our whole concept of a National Government is a fraud. This fraud is based on the frauds of Rulership and Jurisdiction.
Rulership, i.e. Central Authority inevitably infringes on our Inalienable Rights. It can't do otherwise. This fraud AKA what it means "to Rule." is ultimately a fraud of Jurisdiction. Each of us is the King or Queen of our own lives (and in any reasonable society, our property). We are all Sovereign, and that is our jurisdiction. When a Sovereign Government, AKA a Central Authority declares jurisdiction over our lives, our property, "for the greater good" (or National Security, or whatever reason they give) that is where the fraud happens. When the Central Authority builds "infrastructure," (physical, economic, etc.) that requires us to rely on it, it allows that Central Authority to claim jurisdiction over our lives. It is through creating need that this jurisdictional fraud by a Central Authority is implemented.
In order for We The People to get rid of that Central Authority and gain full Jurisdiction of our own lives we must feel the need to get rid of our Centralized Authority Governmental System entirely.
That's going to take a lot of pain. I think we have to see the "End of the World" plan (AKA The Utopia Plan) in it's entirety. We have to see where such a system inevitably leads (through their jurisdictional fraud), in this case at Warp Speed so the fraud is revealed to a large enough percentage of the population.
I don't know how long it will take, but I think we still have a ways to go.
GEOTUS stands for God emperor correct? Where does that figure into entirely abolished centralized authority Governmental system?
Because he's not permanent. It's a means to an end. He's a central figure that's shined a light on the corrupt establishment where the power is centralized.