Canada is being idiotic. There is no difficulty in bringing in illegal handguns into Canada, or buying illegal handguns there. Face it... Canada is easily accessible from simple border crossings at cities like Detroit and Buffalo, NY.. The same handguns that are available in those Northern U.S. cities just move right across the border into a ready market in Canada. Anyone who thinks handguns don't cross the Canadian border is an idiot.
Now Canada has a situation where, when handguns are outlawed... then only outlaws will have handguns. Congratulations, Canada. You just disarmed your honest, law abiding population, but the criminals are still armed.
Interestingly, the majority of illegal guns don't come across at the border crossings. It's little known or discussed that all along the border there are native tribes with land that straddles both sides. They control the crossings there. This is where most illegal goods cross..... it's very lucrative for the tribe and the feds on either side can't or won't do anything about it.
Canada is being idiotic. There is no difficulty in bringing in illegal handguns into Canada, or buying illegal handguns there. Face it... Canada is easily accessible from simple border crossings at cities like Detroit and Buffalo, NY.. The same handguns that are available in those Northern U.S. cities just move right across the border into a ready market in Canada. Anyone who thinks handguns don't cross the Canadian border is an idiot.
Now Canada has a situation where, when handguns are outlawed... then only outlaws will have handguns. Congratulations, Canada. You just disarmed your honest, law abiding population, but the criminals are still armed.
Good thing Canada's neighbors to the south are holding onto a massive stockpile one foot south of the border for emergencies.
Yep. Largest standing army in the world. And they're getting pissed.
Another libtard solution that never worked. All it does is disarm law abiding citizens. They're doing this for a reason. They know they're in trouble.
Justin has so much pedo blackmail on him.
Interestingly, the majority of illegal guns don't come across at the border crossings. It's little known or discussed that all along the border there are native tribes with land that straddles both sides. They control the crossings there. This is where most illegal goods cross..... it's very lucrative for the tribe and the feds on either side can't or won't do anything about it.