Parasites that inhabit the digestinal tract are passed through the digestinal tract. Those that inhabit the blood system and heart can create big problems if they are killed.
That is the reason your vet will run a test for heart worms if your dog is not on a schedule for a dewormer. A dog with an heavy infestation often can not be treated because it would kill it, and those that can be treated are given a lower dose for an extended period of time.
I don't think this parasite is the culprit with the clots, but if you do decide to self medicate (which I do) be very careful and watch for strange reactions to the drug.
Parasites that inhabit the digestinal tract are passed through the digestinal tract. Those that inhabit the blood system and heart can create big problems if they are killed.
That is the reason your vet will run a test for heart worms if your dog is not on a schedule for a dewormer. A dog with an heavy infestation often can not be treated because it would kill it, and those that can be treated are given a lower dose for an extended period of time.
I don't think this parasite is the culprit with the clots, but if you do decide to self medicate (which I do) be very careful and watch for strange reactions to the drug.
Yes, and one can have both.
Problems with the shot AND parasites that get worse because the immune system can't fight them off.
Good advice!