So we have a pattern of event that keeps happening. some big name person comes out swinging with some positive stuff. starts to gain a following of loving Patriots. Time goes by, there following grows. Then bam they say something crazy that divides the following. We all discuss the good and the bad and start digging into them. When u dig u begin to find negative in there lives at some point. So we begin to weigh the good and bad and each of us is left with a choice. Do we follow or do we turn away from. Does the good beat their bad. I dont think thats the true purpose though. We are all about patterns here at GAW. So what is the pattern. Man is corrupted, broken and lost. Not one is good. This fact should make us learn to not focus on man but rather turn within for guidance. Truly if u look at any man long enough u will find something that makes u wary. So i personally am learning to not judge people for good vs bad. Rather to view each action as part of Gods will. What is he teaching us right now. Sorry this thought isnt as clear as i would like. Maybe one of u will understand what im saying and be able to word it better. Just felt i needed to get my thought out. Love u all.
Comments (11)
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I totally get it. Totally.
Ok I was hoping I didnt sound like a babbling fool. Writing isn't my stregth. Way better expressing myself with voice
Not at all, fren. Very insightful.
I get it. Maybe because I'm old enough to have been disillusioned frequently. I don't get "crushes" on people anymore, and that's what you are describing. Like desperate 8th graders, it usually is unrealistic evaluation of novelty and almost always the opinion evolves and the crush starts looking like a mistake. I guess the moral is, at the bottom the only person whose limits count is yourself. God is out there for everyone, we can't know all that is going on with others, we have to rely on The Rules, like Don't hurt each other, and beyond that, on faith that if we listen, God will steer us.
Wow absolutely beautiful response. Thanks for sharing. It provides great thoughts to pair with my post. God bless u
I truly believe you are on to something. Nobody is perfect. If we are to get out of this thing we have to discern the mostly good from the mostly bad. It's not black and white. It's a lot of shades of grey we have to deal wlth. Thanks for reminding me of this......God's speed.
Of course. It was on my heart, I'm just glad I could get it out in a way u understood. God speed as well. This verse is on my heart also. Wanted to share
Romans 3:10-12 English Standard Version 10 as it is written:
(A)“None is righteous, no, not one; 11 no one understands; no one seeks for God. 12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.
Oh yes, this is spot on. Too many of us look to find for what we can disagree with, then write off the person because of our ah-ha moment. I am hardly exempt with this fault which is why this struck a cord with me. We all have our strengths and weakness, observe, embrace the strengths and dismiss what we disagree with, not the person. It was the Clinton's and their "triangulation" that perfected this. If we are constantly disagreeing with what someone is saying, move on. It's pretty obvious if it agenda driven and ill at heart. Then give'm hell.
There’s a big difference between being “perfect” and being good. There are lots of good men. Good leaders, good mentors, and friends.
We all have the potential for evil. And we all sin.
Fren, you’re simply stating that we are not to judge our frens. However, if someone has shown they are evil, wicked and destructive, then “I” will acknowledge that they are just as I described and their judgement will come to them. But not from me. Only God knows our hearts or if we even have one. God will be the judge