He created an app called VoteStand, which collected users allegations of vote fraud. Why you'd want to report that to a random app I don't know. From the small amount of data he collected, he extrapolated that a large number of votes in 2016 were fraudulent. Trump tweeted about that claim once in 2017. Shortly afterwards, Gregg tweets that Engelbrecht and TrueThevote will take the lead on analyzing the data. Engelbrecht and TTV had a longer history in voter fraud issues, dating back to 2009. Nothing came of that analysis as TTV had no money and only one employee. Fast forward to 2000 Mules, which Trump tweeted thanks to Engelbrecht, TTV, and D'Souza. 2000 Mules is correct in spreading the word about the methods of fraud used. As a fast tracked movie project, it paints with a broad brush that overstates the quality of the evidence. Georgia investigators tracked down several of the "mules" and found insufficient evidence of a crime. The use of geolocation data to pinpoint mules is brilliant, but Gregg and TTV are not the ones who should do the investigation. Because TTV needs cash donations to survive, Gregg has to constantly tout the latest activity like a carnival barker. Good prosecutable investigations take time and do not make constant announcements. Whatever they can prove will probably be tainted in some way from a legal standpoint so it is unlikely to lead to any prosecutions. Best outcome is legislative action to prevent future fraud, which was Engelbrecht's and TTV's original purpose.
All the work he's done to expose the people who you, by default, are accusing him of aligning with, is so quickly discarded by you? Amazing!
Follow the money.
I'll drop Gregg like he's Alex Jones as soon as I see some clear or culminating circumstantial evidence that he's a plant, just havent seen it yet
Some anons have dug on him a bit, but theres needs to be more digging. Follow the money, as usual.
Digging on plants isn't my thing but my ears are perked, especially to Tulsi. Any notable posts you can link me to on Gregg?
what has the dude accomplished? from what i’ve seen it’s nothingburger after nothingburger
Did you see 2,000 mules?
reeee delete telegram you'll get poisoned by the chinese reeee trust me bro i know more than you bro i just cant tell you bro please trust me
The poisoning thing and the telegram thing were completely unrelated, yet you tardbarns ran with it.
Reee I don't care, reee keep Telegram fren
He created an app called VoteStand, which collected users allegations of vote fraud. Why you'd want to report that to a random app I don't know. From the small amount of data he collected, he extrapolated that a large number of votes in 2016 were fraudulent. Trump tweeted about that claim once in 2017. Shortly afterwards, Gregg tweets that Engelbrecht and TrueThevote will take the lead on analyzing the data. Engelbrecht and TTV had a longer history in voter fraud issues, dating back to 2009. Nothing came of that analysis as TTV had no money and only one employee. Fast forward to 2000 Mules, which Trump tweeted thanks to Engelbrecht, TTV, and D'Souza. 2000 Mules is correct in spreading the word about the methods of fraud used. As a fast tracked movie project, it paints with a broad brush that overstates the quality of the evidence. Georgia investigators tracked down several of the "mules" and found insufficient evidence of a crime. The use of geolocation data to pinpoint mules is brilliant, but Gregg and TTV are not the ones who should do the investigation. Because TTV needs cash donations to survive, Gregg has to constantly tout the latest activity like a carnival barker. Good prosecutable investigations take time and do not make constant announcements. Whatever they can prove will probably be tainted in some way from a legal standpoint so it is unlikely to lead to any prosecutions. Best outcome is legislative action to prevent future fraud, which was Engelbrecht's and TTV's original purpose.
More than you fren