posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +12 / -8

Yes. You read that right! You need to stop fighting your addiction to porn. Just embrace and indulge forever! The end.

Lol, just kidding, I got more to say than that and I do mean for this to be genuine and helpful advice.

Like most of you- er uh I mean the one or two anons who struggle with porn, I suffer from the genetic condition known as... being a human male. I... I like boobs. I like vaginas. I like butts- I really like and enjoy the human female body, admittedly for my own desires. I "struggled" with porn for many years and had my reasons and excuses for such indulgence. I always felt the guilt after and tried each and every time to repent and promise never to touch myself like that again!

...yeah... you know how the stories go. I tried everything from accountability to tips and tricks to motivations for all the wrong reasons... nothing worked. Listened to all the church hyperbole, tried to be scared and got tired of that... It seemed no matter what I did, nothing was going to break the addiction. And what was weirder was "God" or my perception of Him didn't seem to care about it. There was always some other place I was learning, working and growing...

Now, I wanna take a sec to address the science. Yes, porn addiction can be bad and yes the control agenda behind it are very real and yes the human trafficking element must be eliminated, however even then there will always be a sex trade. As long as men and women desire boobs, there will always be a market for it. I agree, the exploitation aspect needs to be removed and as far as consensual exploitation for money, if you have better alternatives, you need to provide them in abundance. Shame only breeds rebellion and while some won't listen at first, logic and reason are the only way forward to get your points across. The Truth wins in the end. This isn't a post disputing the damages it can cause. It's an honest conversation with honest and actually helpful advice.

So as I was saying, my condition stems from the fact that I was born a male. My natural desire is to spread my seed often and everywhere. This is nature. You can't actually "fight" it and this leads to the core of my post. To fight your nature is to fight yourself to do what the flesh wants. Yes. Most religions preach that is a sin, but of course can't agree on what's acceptable and not. This isn't a debate about who said what and when and for why. The natural mind wants what it wants and it's best not to fight it...

This is where the sentient mind gets to make a choice. And this matters more than fighting natural urges. Like SO much more. Fundamentalists conflated lust with instinct to the point where I couldn't resolve the two. The reality is, lust is simply your desire to procreate and nothing more. The extenuating addons we employ are... just ideas. A lot of them based on assumption and derived from stories that might not all be true or accurate. How you decide to see things and enjoy sex is your business and choice. I am simply trying to educate and offer sound advice for those who struggle. It doesn't have to be as bad as you think.

So... you see a pretty girl (or guy. This applies to all both genders). Now you wanna wanky spanky (or rubbie dubbie). This is where you do not fight the urge. This is where you ACCEPT what you and/or your flesh desires and this is where you can choose to... repeat history or... decide not to indulge... Trust me on this it is SOOOOO much easier to manage when you are HONEST with yourself and whatever deity you perceive to exist outside the construct we call "the universe".

In Job... his faith is tested in the worst way possible. Many have similar interpretations of the story of Job, but my takeaway is that Job's suffering didn't end until he was HONEST with God. Until he finally asked WHY his suffering was continuing. No, he didn't curse God, but I think "cursing God" is ambiguous. In the moment, expressing anger so you can express your truth to God is not the same as actually meaning to curse Him. And... you can always ask forgiveness after.

So, when you feel you want to do something... accept it. Admit it and then make your choice. You'll find it's a lot easier to be honest with what you want instead of fighting it and realizing you CAN make the choice to simply not indulge.

Now... for those who aren't quite ready or need a more weaner path, I invite you to consider the following: simulated indulgence is best indulgence. Yes, I mean simulated as in animations, drawings, 3D models in videogames- anything that isn't a real person or arguably based on a real person. That is a better alternative as it seems to bypass all the consequences with indulging in Real Life imitations. Some will argue that indulgence is indulgence and therefore sin is sin and yeah... that's an opinion. If you live by it, great. It's not absolute and objective fact, but more importantly, isn't it better for an acholic struggling with hard liquor to at least downgrade to 5% beer or other light alcohols? Not everyone is righteous enough to quit cold turkey. And not everyone's struggles are the same. In the end we need to support each other without resorting to shame, or belittling of any kind. Those "that's someone's daughter" or "only monkeys masturbate" demotivational motivations only last so long... and for some they don't even stick. If you really want to help people and mean well then be patient with people's pace and struggles like Jesus is with yours.