posted ago by dot1118 ago by dot1118 +24 / -2

2 weeks ago I picked a beautiful pink rose outside my house that I get every year and quickly put it in a bud vase to enjoy for a few days. I still have pictures from previous years. I put it in the vase and filled with my filtered water and took a 2 hour nap. When I woke up it was COMPLETELY wilted. The same thing happened in May but it had a tear in the stem close to the bud so I thought that was why it wilted quickly and put it in unfiltered tap water. I have no idea what's going on with the city water but the fact it basically killed a freshly picked rose in less than 2 hours was alarming. Since then I have been boiling any water I drink. I live in Cincinnati Ohio. I already have numerous health issues that started after the 1976 shot and don't need to make things worse. This is a repeat from a post a week ago that not many saw but I think is important.