44 Another food source burns (www.wistv.com) posted 2 years ago by aad7990 2 years ago by aad7990 +44 / -0 Chicken house destroyed in Lexington County fire, officials say The chicken house on the property was fully involved upon the firefighters arrival. 8 comments share 8 comments share save hide report block hide replies
If they can't vax you to death, they will starve you to death. Stock up on all essentials.
Eats and Yeets ;)
It's not if/then- it's AND.
Add this to the national map showing all the food production plants getting burned down.
Involved in what?
Sorry, had to be that guy. (walks quietly away)
I have a crapload of canned chicken. Buy some while Walmart seems to have plenty.
You need at least two years of supplies, perhaps more. It will take a while to rebuild everything, which might not start for two more years.
I have the same. I also have actual chickens. Egg layers are a good thing.
Might be some scorched c earth stuff happening with deep state owned businesses. Same out come of food shortage, they collect insurance and probably buy it back for pennies on the dollar.