A friendly reminder that the Jewish mafia and the Italian mafia are the SAME DAMN THING
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WHY IS THIS STICKIED? Well, well, well. It wasn't stickied. But, we did allow it. Look what's happening. "Israel for Last" is coming into view, and the mods are allowing the occasional "joofagging" post like this. PLEASE KEEP JEW- AND ISRAEL-RELATED POSTS TIGHTLY RELATED TO RECENTL Q TOPICS.
Strange that HOLLYWOOD would make a shitload of ITALIAN Mafia movies. NOT!
Many Hollywood movies were made with mob money that needed laundering out of Las Vegas. Once they lost control of the gambling. The love affair ended.
As Clif High says these are the "name-stealers" from which the Europeans and Chinese once called them during the time of Khazaria. When it is to their advantage, they pretend to be white, speak in the name of being white, and commit acts of fraud and slander in the name of being white. It's common knowledge amongst themselves they don't consider themselves as being white, but genetically different and superior. But, how dare you for recognizing and discussing it.
And they now sit in the House of Representatives.
Pelosi and her gang have done very well for a certain 'mob' in Rome.
It’s not the Jewish wing of the Italian mafia, it’s the Italian face of Jewish crime. Also never forgot that human trafficking has and always will be one of the mainstays of “Italian” organised crime. Myer lanskys best pal Luciano himself was convicted of running whore houses.
This is the stuff I wish Ye would post!
I'm sure he knows. He and the Kardashians are acquaintances with Valentino Garavani
Garavani is connected with Joshua Kushner and Karlie Kloss. Basically runs the the Italian fashion industry.
Reminds me of the movie ‘Casino’ where DiNero played a jewish casino boss.
Not being made men of the Italian organised crime families was a great benefit to Jewish gangsters after that power structure was build by them. There’s also hymen Roth in the godfather and Hesh in the sopranos.
On a side note, I thought Sharon Stones best acting was in Casino.
And all under the Vatican's control
The Catholic Church is at it's foundation a Jewish and Roman religion. Much of organized Christianity that survives today was only allowed to survive at best, by being non-threatening to Jewish-Roman power, or by being the Greek-Jewish brand of the same religion.
Where are the Christian churches that say Jesus was not a Jew?
Burned at the stake for the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Lord.
Blasphemy against Jesus (the Lord) was why so many people were burned at the stake? Or was it disagreement with the Catholic church's doctrines / interperetation of scripture
Exactly. Brand monopolization. Competitors were unwelcome. The church of racketeering. The same racketeers that racketeer everything under the sun today too.
The concept of a purposefully vague understanding of blasphemy as an unforgivable sin in a world where a church authority would be the only credentialed judge of what is or is not blasphemy due to how vaguely it is understandable... it is a barely disguised licence to kill opposing voices. What other groups of people do we know of today are master practitioners of censorship and racketeering? And wearing a false flag for that matter. Same playbook, same adversary.
The Q Source, though not formatted into nearly as neat and coherent a narrative as the Bible we have instead, paints a picture of a much more disruptive God fearing, world rejecting people. It is a people that is utterly contemptible and contemptuous of worldly authority.
PDF OF Q Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ndeinfo.wmthost.com/ndeinfo/The%2520Lost%2520Gospel%2520of%2520Q.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwizv8bVzvf6AhWDK0QIHexSATsQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2UJIE0vP96tAAw-TRXMfBq
Sorry about the link, it looks like shit coming from a Google search link.
So sad how Christianity could have truly flourished without being leeched off and perverted by Rome. Oh well, they will have to pay their dues for what they have done, and the time is now.
Thank you for this pdf! I had heard of this document but never found the actual document
It's common knowledge.
"'Common knowledge' refers to information that the average educated reader would accept without needing a source citation to back it up."
It's common knowledge Mark Zuckerburg is the face of Facebook. In normal comversation there's no need to prove that.
For those who don't know it's common knowledge, it's easy to search who is behind Hollywood, social media, most television, even your email providers and ancestry testing companies. And everythibg else too lol
The Godfather hinted at the stories behind Al Capone, The Valentine's Day massacre and other examples of when/how the Italian Catholic mob wing was co-opted in a coup. This partly explains the animosity between the mob and the Kennedys. Meyer Lansky was heir after the fact.
Capone was the last 'Catholic' capo known to the public.
Bugsy Siegal helped engineer the coup and the windfall monies built Las Vegas in conjunction with the Theosophist/Scientologist/7th Day Adventist/Mormon mob contingency, while Hollywood promotes the Catholic Italian history.
Wynn/Wynn situation
As in Steve?