Do you think the difference matters to school age kids? They will grow up knowing the the government shut down their lives by mandate whether the doors of their apartments were welded shut or not. And feom their point of view, whether they cant go to the store because because the gov said they cant or because the gov shut down the store has little distinction.
Have you ever read Amelia Bedelia (sp?)? Not all phrases are meant to be taken literally. "It's raining cats and dogs" doesn't mean what it literally says. You gotta know that.
Or are you taking the phrase “not allowed to leave their homes” literally instead of how it is normally used as an idiom?
Do you think the difference matters to school age kids? They will grow up knowing the the government shut down their lives by mandate whether the doors of their apartments were welded shut or not. And feom their point of view, whether they cant go to the store because because the gov said they cant or because the gov shut down the store has little distinction.
Please answer me this;
Do you understand what a Strawman argument is and why one shouldn't engage in it?
I'm taking it literally because that is what he Literally said
You do know what the word literally means, right?
Why do you think you have a better understanding of what the author of that tweet wrote than he did?
So your a bot. Oooohhh.
Have you ever read Amelia Bedelia (sp?)? Not all phrases are meant to be taken literally. "It's raining cats and dogs" doesn't mean what it literally says. You gotta know that.
The entire point of the tweet was the inaccuracy of the claims that no one was allowed to leave their homes due to government mandates.
In this case, it is obviously meant to be taken literally.
You're simply trying to justify your strawman arguments.