I actually have mixed feelings about this. While anything compelling vaccination is evil, and especially to children, the reality is this strengthens the public education system. How many parents might have opted out and home schooled or sent their kids to private schools? We need to starve that beast of bodies, every kid that is removed from a public school, regardless of why, hurts them and helps us.
With them passing the ESA scholarship, it’s easier than ever to homeschool in AZ. We are ‘unschooling’, qualified our kids for ESA funds.
Since the CDC is a privately owned nonprofit corporation, their proclamations have no meaning in physical reality
correct….add one more state (AZ) to the list.
And SC and Alabama.
SC???? Missed that one!
They are not out of touch. They know exactly what they are doing, which is killing people, and every day they are killing more.
Came here to say this^^^^
Knowingly. Fast trial > Death penalty
They have not even begun to feel the pushback yet, helll awaits.
I actually have mixed feelings about this. While anything compelling vaccination is evil, and especially to children, the reality is this strengthens the public education system. How many parents might have opted out and home schooled or sent their kids to private schools? We need to starve that beast of bodies, every kid that is removed from a public school, regardless of why, hurts them and helps us.
A little Hopium from the fine folks in Arizona.