Traditional feminists are not on board in principle with the woke-ism gender fluidity agendas. I know plenty of examples. The problem is the modern language games where the younger generation think they are in the tradition of liberalism by aligning with the current identity programs / social engineering, when its not in fact the case.
I don't think your counter argument is valid, i.e. that feminists of the past MUST be consistently on board with current woke-ism. In the past, it was the principle of equal opportunity to institutions and social standing regardless of sex or race. One can debate the merits and wisdom especially in specific areas where male/female distinctions require some level of discriminatory practices. But now, the principle is anarcho-tyranny by leveraging identity programs: "tyranny" because it is censoring cancelling and suppressing the identified "oppressors" of the protected identity groups. And "anarcho" because the obvious outcome of dismantling Western institutions, as anything of quality and value and history is now deemed structurally and innately oppressive therefore must be done away with and replaced with an enlightened program.
Earlier waves of feminism were to help women who were let down by the men that were supposed to support them and didn't. Bad husbands destroyed the family structure. Women, for the most part, like being married and have a good man take care of them. Problem is, we are lacking in good men. You provide the good husbands, we'll do the rest.
Traditional feminists are not on board in principle with the woke-ism gender fluidity agendas. I know plenty of examples. The problem is the modern language games where the younger generation think they are in the tradition of liberalism by aligning with the current identity programs / social engineering, when its not in fact the case.
I don't think your counter argument is valid, i.e. that feminists of the past MUST be consistently on board with current woke-ism. In the past, it was the principle of equal opportunity to institutions and social standing regardless of sex or race. One can debate the merits and wisdom especially in specific areas where male/female distinctions require some level of discriminatory practices. But now, the principle is anarcho-tyranny by leveraging identity programs: "tyranny" because it is censoring cancelling and suppressing the identified "oppressors" of the protected identity groups. And "anarcho" because the obvious outcome of dismantling Western institutions, as anything of quality and value and history is now deemed structurally and innately oppressive therefore must be done away with and replaced with an enlightened program.
Traditional feminism? WTF? Feminism from its inception was a ploy to destroy the family structure.
Earlier waves of feminism were to help women who were let down by the men that were supposed to support them and didn't. Bad husbands destroyed the family structure. Women, for the most part, like being married and have a good man take care of them. Problem is, we are lacking in good men. You provide the good husbands, we'll do the rest.