I have no words......But then when I get past the shock and think. Why would he think that...he shared his stuff with them, and perhaps there are photos of them in some of the phones. Some of those pervs get off on seeing themselves in the act.
Just surmising. But again, what would make him think they had this stuff. Both Priest and Nuns???!!!!! Good grief! Elon has his Tesla guys looking at the Codes now. What proof of nasty tweets will he find?
This is so stupid. He is warning them because they are human and he gives warnings about different kinds of sin every day as the leader of the largest religion in the world. Seriously, stop it. It’s stupid.
Also - God didn’t “make Jesus” the leader of religion.
Jesus IS GOD. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Jesus (God) made Peter the leader of the Universal (Katholikos) Church on Earth and gave Peter the authority to FORGIVE AND RETAIN SINS!!! And to BIND AND LOOSE.
Peter used that binding/loosing power to continue to pass on the position of the visible head if the church on earth (we call it the papacy in english).
Why would priests and nuns have that on their phones in the first place? And why would the Pope think they would?
I have no words......But then when I get past the shock and think. Why would he think that...he shared his stuff with them, and perhaps there are photos of them in some of the phones. Some of those pervs get off on seeing themselves in the act. Just surmising. But again, what would make him think they had this stuff. Both Priest and Nuns???!!!!! Good grief! Elon has his Tesla guys looking at the Codes now. What proof of nasty tweets will he find?
This is so stupid. He is warning them because they are human and he gives warnings about different kinds of sin every day as the leader of the largest religion in the world. Seriously, stop it. It’s stupid.
Also - God didn’t “make Jesus” the leader of religion.
Jesus IS GOD. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Jesus (God) made Peter the leader of the Universal (Katholikos) Church on Earth and gave Peter the authority to FORGIVE AND RETAIN SINS!!! And to BIND AND LOOSE.
Peter used that binding/loosing power to continue to pass on the position of the visible head if the church on earth (we call it the papacy in english).