I promised I would send an update about my daughter. Last month I asked for prayers when my pregnant daughter was on her way to the ER because she didn't feel the baby move for almost a day. Then I updated later on that everything was ok - when she ate, the baby started moving again.
The rest of the pregnancy was more of the same - 5 or 6 trips to the ER, but everything continued to be ok.
Today she finally made it to the day her doctor scheduled her to have a c-section. She had a healthy baby girl, 6lbs 8oz and 20" tall (I hate when they say "long"). Everything went just fine and both are resting. Visitor rules only allow 2 visitors so I visited for a little while and left so my son-in-law and my wife can stay. I stayed long enough to hold my first granddaughter for a bit, and headed home to take care of the dogs. By the way - based Texas hospital - no masks required.
Thanks again for all the prayers. I truly believe that helped a lot.
It sounds like she was not eating enough. That's common for women, after all the fearmongering of becoming obese when pregnant.
Make sure she eats enough if she is breastfeeding, which I recommend with these formula shortages. If anything, breastfeeding gets harder as the baby gets bigger, that is, the baby starts drinking more. Lots of meat and dairy products, esp. yoghurt, and water. There are some herbs like aniseed, fennel and dill that help with making the milk sweet and not as windy for baby. (make a tea).
Actually, the longer you breastfeed the WAY easier it gets! Quantity isn't really the issue. The baby gets much more efficient at feeding as well. I agree it's a great choice all the way through. I nursed my son until he was past two and never regretted it.
True, the first month is always a struggle, but I was referring to down the track, when baby is older. Just the main point is to eat and drink for two.