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Question for my non American frens.
There are a lot of you here that know more about the American government and it's functions (or lack thereof) than I do in certain aspects. I admittedly know just enough to get by about other countries and their governments.
So, the ones that are astute with American civics, have you always had an interest, is it taught in the schools, did you learn it because of the Q movement, am I just and idiot, or am I just underestimating the influence of the American gov on the entire world? (I suspect it's the 2 latter)
I don't understand the system fully, but have gained some insights from the posts on here.
So non American schools do teach American history and government?
I would venture a guess that non American frens know more about America than Americans these days if speaking from a formal education point of view.
Fun story on the subject. My first stint in a college, US gov was a required course. I hated it. It was absolute left wing indoctrination garbage. I am grateful I was able to recognize that and ignored it. The final exam for the course was an essay question basically asking us to summarize the entire course and what we learned. I was teetering on the edge of failing the class and I didn't care. My essay answer was pretty short. I summarized the concepts and ideals of the constitution as intended by the founding fathers and ended with calling the professor a fukn communist. No joke. I passed with one point above failing. Professor didn't want to see me back in that class.
Well done! Rewarded for telling the truth.
Can they have bleu cheese and hot sauces? That would be fantastic.
When I moved to America for a few years, almost 2 decades ago, I was just absolutely fascinated by the country, the people and its ideals. I also found the politics refreshing (haha!) compared to my own country's where the corruption was on display every minute, whereas in America it felt like things were much more cleaner. (Little did I know!)
Also I found the American presidential style government much better than Prime Minister style government I was used to. So I ended up spending a lot of time listening to political stuff. This was also 9/11 time, so politics became crucial.
When I then moved to Australia, somehow I just couldn't care for the local politics here. Everyone is half braindead. So I continued keeping up with American politics. I wouldn't claim I know too much, but I know enough to at least follow along with everything thats happening.
You probably are. The entire world is hinged on American gov / economy / culture and its by design. Those of us who ignore American politics do it at our own peril.
It’s good to hear an outsider’s perspective (not implying as what outsider means, can’t think of another word.)
That’s a big concern for many Americans. If we fall the rest of the world is going is fall as well. I don’t think as an American I’m better than citizens of other countries. I love learning about other cultures and would jump at the opportunity to visit many countries. There’s a reason so many people have come to America to live for many years. I don’t know the history of how the American dollar became the world standard. I’ve never understood it. I’ve always heard God (Christian god) has protected America and that’s why things are the way they have been for centuries. This is only hear say and I don’t know if it’s in the Bible. I’m not trying to step on other countries toes. The prophet or psychic Nostradamus talks about a great powerful country and many believe it’s about America. I think all his predictions have come true.
It should be as well as for others country citizens as well. This is why we are headed to a true multi-polar world. We don't need a reserve currency. Thats gold and silver and has always been so until before the last century. Even the Pound Sterling was tied to silver.
I will write about it later on.
Thanks! I wasn't even thinking about how 9/11 influences this idea. I sure do miss that feeling of world unity that came about after that day. In the context that I was only partially awake at that time. I'll refrain from a tangent here.
Anyway, thank you for the response. It's always been a curiosity of mine and where better to ask than here?!
General Chat is the place to go on tangents, so feel free to tangent away!
Anyway, I found this question very interesting, hopefully more people will answer.