Fuck you. No.
Also, look at this narcissistic abuse:
The abusers want to grant themselves amnesty from their victims. The abusers also want us to believe that they were just “in the dark” *with* us, rather than the fact that they were the ones perpetrating the abuse including mass formation.

I like the way Joseph in the bible handled a similar situation. His brothers sold him into slavery, just for being gifted. Many of us were rejected, sold off too and I suspect if given more inducements some people I was once close with would have informed on me simply for being anti vax. Joseph understood that forgiveness is a contract. UNLESS someone asks for it, I cannot give it. But like Joseph I pray and wait for that day.
I will not forgive those who orchestrated all of this. I will not just move on from mass murder.
I can forgive friends and family. That's about it. The rest of the whole complex that pushed this every step of the way from the media to the doctors to the nurses to the politicians all from top to bottom can swing from rope and chains. I'm not wasting forgiveness on those that already proved to all of us that they show no empathy to their fellow common man.