'Kanye is Right About Jews' Projected at Florida Football Game, Causes Backlash Among Sport Clubs
In October, several brands, including Adidas, Balenciaga, Vogue, and the CAA talent agency, cut ties with Kanye, after the rapper said that the music industry is tightly controlled by the Jewish people.
Find the group you can't criticize. There you have found the root problem. At least Kanye is taking up this battle. I personally don't mind watching blacks and Jews fight for who is more oppressed. It should be obvious Jew corp invested in BLM as a means to control them as a whole. They sold off a little of that Jew oppression under the guise of reparations for slavery. All it took was a little digging for someone to be like hey Jews owned slaves too. I don't mind watching them argue over who is more oppressed. Waiting on that black supremacist angle or the black white supremacist label to appear. Turns out some of the best comedy sketches are turning into reality. I want them to try to turn kyrie Irving into Dave Chappelles Clayton bigsby. Ya know it's coming
Look, we should be joining the blacks in this discussion because we white folks have been thoroughly trained not to mess with this topic for fear of being linked to our world Nazi problem who are white. Understand, it is not a Jewish problem, it has been a Kharzarian problem all along ... that is my take on the issue.
If he said “Kharzariwn Mafia” problem few would know the meaning and would listen then look into it. When he says “Jews” people immediately shut down and label him and the message as antisemitic. Certainly he is smart enough to know this.
I agree with that, AND it’s not all of ________ group. This is the common mistake people make that makes us look stupid. It’s not an optics thing either. If you are a purist for the truth, be a purist for the truth, generalizing is the number one way to show you don’t actually care about the truth.
In one of his recent, widely criticized specials Dave Chappelle had a whole "Space Jews" routine. It was pretty aggressive and didn't really go over with the audience. I'm pretty sure it was either in The Closer or Redemption Song.
Point is, this particular bit never really "made the rounds" during all the uproar over his "Anti-LBGQT" material. Especially considering (if my chronology is correct) it came on the later end of his spat of new material. Almost ignored by the popular media. The media who had spent the last few years trying to bury the man. Which, in light of the hype Yeezy is getting, I find strange. The omission is almost glaring.
There are good people of every race and creed in God's Family.
This x1000.