Arizona Judge Bans Cameras at Ballot Drop Boxes - The Fraudsters and Democrat Ballot Traffickers Will be Given Free Reign
2020 Ballot trafficker in Georgia Trump nominated Judge Michael Liburdi banned cameras at Arizona drop boxes on Tuesday until after the election. Judge Liburdi banned Clean Elections USA from holding any future trainings. Judge Liburdi forced Clean Electio...
Just keep filming since this ruling is not constitutional and will be overturned.
If only there was a way to see things from a distance. Some kind of way to make things far away appear up close.
can a judge even rule that? thought it was the legislature that decided voting protocols
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on
Riiiiight. There's only like 4 gazillion cell phones. As an Arizona citizen walking public streets, I have every right to film anything in public view. Hey judge: GFY!
No cameras? Awesome! Let the vandalism begin
There are cameras on top of the drop boxes. He is not getting rid of all cameras. He forbade this group from recording voters.
Arizona judge signals he is coordinating with election fraud.
at least he didn't ban phones.
A la Dana Nessel in Michigan.