The Jews picked up stones to kill Jesus when he said, "Before Abraham, I Am."
I AM = the name God gave to Moses through the burning bush when Moses asked God, "Whom shall I tell them [the Israelites in Egyptian captivity] sent me?"
The Jews knew Jesus was claiming equality with Yahweh.
Blasphemy - equating oneself with the Creator God - was punishable by death. There are a many more verses where Jesus takes the names of Yahweh in the OT and attributes them to himself in the NT. Each time Jesus did this the Religious Leaders (Pharisaic Jews) objected.
The Jews picked up stones to kill Jesus when he said, "Before Abraham, I Am."
I AM = the name God gave to Moses through the burning bush when Moses asked God, "Whom shall I tell them [the Israelites in Egyptian captivity] sent me?"
The Jews knew Jesus was claiming equality with Yahweh.
Blasphemy - equating oneself with the Creator God - was punishable by death. There are a many more verses where Jesus takes the names of Yahweh in the OT and attributes them to himself in the NT. Each time Jesus did this the Religious Leaders (Pharisaic Jews) objected.
One Being/Nature, three Persons.
No contradiction, but a Mystery.
The name Jesus means, "Jehovah Savior." "God is my yeshua...for Yah become my yeshua (Isa. 12:2)."