Just interested in what people feel about this subject?
When I was a kid, being a Boy Scout was something to be proud of. Now it's defunct, and ruined. Does anything exist that replaces it? I mean the things I learned in the Boy Scouts was invaluable. I learned how to survive in the wild, how to build shelter, build fire, find water, find food. I learned about self defense, self reliance, I made good relationships with other boys from the neighborhood..
It's just sad to think that's all gone. I don't have a son, but I do have a daughter. Do any of you know about good programs for either boys or girls? I really try to do my best; but I just feel like a separate program like I had when I was young, would be so beneficial. I know right now, being completely self reliant is in vogue "so to speak", but how does one go about finding the right people in the community? How does one find good people that can teach good values? So it costs a few bucks, that's okay by me, I just want to do good, and at times feel like I'm failing by not doing enough? not pushing enough maybe? I don't even know.
What are others here doing for their children, beyond just self reliance, and taking control of everything themselves? I feel like community has got to an important part of things, but I'm just so far away.. I don't know how else to describe it.
So again, any good programs you know of? Things on par with the Boy Scouts of old? Any advice on how to vet programs of these sorts? I hate that I have to double think anything, are these people predators? are they just more of "state indoctrination"? Really interested to hear what people here think. Thanks!
Since you can remember being a Boy Scout as a kid, earning merit badges for various tasks, etc., etc., what's to stop you from doing something similar for your daughter? I guarantee whatever you do for her, making special little handmade badges, etc., etc., will be many, many times more meaningful to her than what she might be able to accomplish in an organization.
The reason I say this, is I watched a YT video a while back. It was a humorous video about a father dropping his daughter off at school in his car, and him rolling down the passenger window and shouting out to her, "I love you SO MUCH, Mary!" over and over again, meant to embarrass her. She hid her face from her friends, telling her dad to stop, but he kept doing it over and over again. But this is not the important part of this story. I read the comments below, and girl after girl, woman after woman, all said the same thing: what they would have given to have their own fathers embarrass them like this in front of their peers. As much as young girls complain about their parents (especially their dads), they yearn for this attention and love. To have a father do something embarrassing like this was a symbolic badge a girl can pin on her imaginary vest, proving to everyone else how loved she really is. In this day and age of cell phones and anonymity, a proof such as this is more meaningful than anything else.
Demonstrate your love, and everything else will fall into place.
This is a great idea, and what a wonderful bonding experience. Just get some old boy scout books, do the steps for the badges and make your own badges and awards. I love this idea.