posted ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve +37 / -0

World leaders congratulate Benjamin Netanyahu on return to power in Israel

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides congratulated Benjamin Netanyahu for his election win and return to power as Israel's Prime Minister Thursday. Nides tweeted, "I congratulated him on his victory and told him I look forward to working together to maintain the unbreakable bond." Netanyahu, still on trial over corruption charges, will lead a far-right government after Prime Minister Yair Lapid conceded the election to Netanyahu Thursday. Hungary's right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban was the first to congratulate Netanyahu, tweeting that "Hard times require strong leaders. Welcome back!" Netanyahu will lead one of the most right-wing governments in Israeli history. And that could mean fundamental changes in Israeli society.

Some Netanyahu allies have talked, for example, about changing the judicial system raising questions as Netanyahu faces a criminal trial.

According to the New York Times, Netanyahu's far-right allies would like to weaken and overhaul the judicial system giving politicians more control over appointing judges. They also want to loosen Israeli Supreme Court oversight of Parliament.
