Well King James 1 DID order an English translation of the Bible, that was first published in 1611. The bible was gobbledegook to anyone who had not gone to Public School (What Brits call Private school) and University, to learn enough Latin to comprehend it.
This gave the common man, who at least could read English, a chance to read the Bible. Vatican seethed at that idea, because their acolytes had a mysterioso hold over their flocks, by mumbling in a foreign language - this lends credence to the Vatican plot - brewed to stop the publication.
However, I don't believe much of what was said about the restoration of a 'Catholic' to the throne. Sure James was a protestant, but his mother was a Catholic - as I was saying before, people kind of picked and chose whatever in those days - it wasn't genetic. Catholics hoped that they would be relieved from persecution by James, and the translation of the bible could be seen as a gesture of goodwill to the people. He was also seen as a moderate, so I kind of find it hard to imagine that people could get worked up about which side of the bed James got up out of.
Also on reading the history of GF, he was a mercenary, so I don't think he was necessarily devoted to whatever cause, just that he was paid to do it - again, this lends credence to the plot-a-la-Vatican, who had deep pockets.
It gets confusing after this, if one holds on to the Vatican plot thing - there is the fact that James II was a catholic (he married for love, and she was catholic), and he was subsequently chased out, because folks were thoroughly believing this anti-catholic nonsense by now, so ... is this a sign that the Vatican lost their hold?- This led to the William & Mary thing, oh great - a Dutch King - , but also, the Old pretender, hiding in Poland, and Bonnie Prince Charlie (1745). Were they catholic? Who knows, perhaps, but they were descendants of Kings, who had a claim to the throne, regardless of their faith, and many supported especially Charlie's return.
King James was also obsessed with the occult, he came out with a demonology book.
Perhaps the Catholics didn’t want the religion watered down & perverted the way Protestants had re-written & interpreted the 1,600 year old religion.
Before King James, there was only ONE Bible & a handful of “Christian” denominations; publishing the Bible was a way to dilute the faith & weaken Rome.
It’s no coincidence Freemasonry re-emerged from England.
I think the short answer is King James' efforts on the Bible were controlled by Vatican plants to "limit the damage" of something they could not stop. It is very possible that the whole Guy Fawkes thing was one big false flag used to justify something else. Once we find that "something else" connection, the whole event will likely make much more sense.
It is very possible that the planned attack on King James might have been to stop the Bible translation project or something else he was doing. I have not looked into the timing of that event relative to other things that were going on, but "timeline analysis" usually reveals some relationships.
I doubt it were about bible really. It were serious politics.
Thing is Britain become "protestant" after decision of Henry VIII who created anglicanism simply because he had problems with getting divorces (because he wanted male heir). He ruled about 40 years. Next were his only son.He ruled 5 years. Next ruller were "Bloody" Mary who were Catholic and wanted to make Britain Catholic again.Yes,she ordered to burn protestant dissidents,but let's look WHY she had to do it:
Henry insisted that Mary recognise him as head of the Church of England, repudiate papal authority, acknowledge that the marriage between her parents was unlawful, and accept her own illegitimacy.
Despite the fact she was only lawful daughter from his first and lawful marriage ! From royal and legitimate princess and heir to the throne to almost servant,to bastard by law... Daughter to a queen,become the "bastard" to let the King marry Ann Boleyn ,daughter of simple vice-count in the times when those things about "nobility" were taken so serious... greavious insult i think.
Her father killed already about 500 Catholics.Thing is Catholics were then PERSECUTED in England too. And executed too as we see...
Neither her father nor her brother were doing anything to let Mary her find a husband, she even wanted to run from England, she married at least Philip IInd of Spain at the age of 37. Those invention of "Anglicanism" by her father ruined her life. And she is called bloody because she ordered to kill 280 protestants.When I repeat - her father were responsible for killing over 500 Catholics and "it is nothing". She ruled 5 years only and died because of ovarian cancer or something.
And again Elisabeth I,her sister were enforcing Anglicanism. Of course she were, whole Anglicanism were invented to make her father marry her mother !
Elisabeth ruled about 40 years or more. Fawkes conspiracy were in 7-th year of rule of Jacob Stuart who were of course NOT the son of Elisabeth,but the son of Mary Stuart catholic queen of Scotland murdered/executed at the order of Elisabeth - he were raised as protestant,but it was mostly politician thing again.
It were all about politics and survival,because catholics and protestants were obviously fighting each other and murdering each others then. Come on, 8 years later begun bloody 30-years war which were ruining Europe (especially Germany). All because of religious and politician shit. Catholics simply had hope they would somehow "stop those filthy degenerate protestantism" in England.
Simply Catholics were persecuted side hoping that they would somehow win against "heresy" existing less than 100 years and there were almost as many of them as protestants then. It wouldn't be good for protestants of course,but that were the medieval times where there were no Ecomunism shit and religious differences were taken too bloody (yes: too bloody...) serious to be solved by debates instead of by violence.
So u/Sadness: it wasabout restoring Catholic rule,not just "Catholic on the throne". It was about stopping persecution of Catholics and starting persecution of Protestants instead. King was like president of USA.Alone without support of administration power of the president is quite limited.And so power of the king was. Court officials and house of the lords were those administration then.And that one officials were protestants. Do you REALLY think that such explosion of more than 20 barrels of gunpowder would kill only the king ? No,of course not. Fawkes wanted to blow up whole HOUSE OF LORDS ! Blow up whole fucking parliament not just only king. But as king were most important person there and only assault on the king were treated so seriously he is commonly known as man conspiring against the king.
Interesting that this is the very end of “V for Vendetta” with all of Parliament building getting completely demolished. Clearly symbolic of removal of yoke of oppression.
So it is possible having 1 or 2 legitimate cardinals from England were nice idea for some faction within Vatican. But really in those times Catholics were simply persecuted in England,and it was enough,blowing up the parliament with lords and king inside looked for Fawkes and his friends as nice idea.
Queen Elizabeth I was a hardcore occultist. She brought to her court John Dee, the magician who predicted Catholic Queen Mary’s death to the precise date.
Well King James 1 DID order an English translation of the Bible, that was first published in 1611. The bible was gobbledegook to anyone who had not gone to Public School (What Brits call Private school) and University, to learn enough Latin to comprehend it.
This gave the common man, who at least could read English, a chance to read the Bible. Vatican seethed at that idea, because their acolytes had a mysterioso hold over their flocks, by mumbling in a foreign language - this lends credence to the Vatican plot - brewed to stop the publication.
However, I don't believe much of what was said about the restoration of a 'Catholic' to the throne. Sure James was a protestant, but his mother was a Catholic - as I was saying before, people kind of picked and chose whatever in those days - it wasn't genetic. Catholics hoped that they would be relieved from persecution by James, and the translation of the bible could be seen as a gesture of goodwill to the people. He was also seen as a moderate, so I kind of find it hard to imagine that people could get worked up about which side of the bed James got up out of.
Also on reading the history of GF, he was a mercenary, so I don't think he was necessarily devoted to whatever cause, just that he was paid to do it - again, this lends credence to the plot-a-la-Vatican, who had deep pockets.
It gets confusing after this, if one holds on to the Vatican plot thing - there is the fact that James II was a catholic (he married for love, and she was catholic), and he was subsequently chased out, because folks were thoroughly believing this anti-catholic nonsense by now, so ... is this a sign that the Vatican lost their hold?- This led to the William & Mary thing, oh great - a Dutch King - , but also, the Old pretender, hiding in Poland, and Bonnie Prince Charlie (1745). Were they catholic? Who knows, perhaps, but they were descendants of Kings, who had a claim to the throne, regardless of their faith, and many supported especially Charlie's return.
It all gets so confusing.
King James was also obsessed with the occult, he came out with a demonology book.
Perhaps the Catholics didn’t want the religion watered down & perverted the way Protestants had re-written & interpreted the 1,600 year old religion.
Before King James, there was only ONE Bible & a handful of “Christian” denominations; publishing the Bible was a way to dilute the faith & weaken Rome.
It’s no coincidence Freemasonry re-emerged from England.
I think the short answer is King James' efforts on the Bible were controlled by Vatican plants to "limit the damage" of something they could not stop. It is very possible that the whole Guy Fawkes thing was one big false flag used to justify something else. Once we find that "something else" connection, the whole event will likely make much more sense.
It is very possible that the planned attack on King James might have been to stop the Bible translation project or something else he was doing. I have not looked into the timing of that event relative to other things that were going on, but "timeline analysis" usually reveals some relationships.
I doubt it were about bible really. It were serious politics.
Thing is Britain become "protestant" after decision of Henry VIII who created anglicanism simply because he had problems with getting divorces (because he wanted male heir). He ruled about 40 years. Next were his only son.He ruled 5 years. Next ruller were "Bloody" Mary who were Catholic and wanted to make Britain Catholic again.Yes,she ordered to burn protestant dissidents,but let's look WHY she had to do it:
Despite the fact she was only lawful daughter from his first and lawful marriage ! From royal and legitimate princess and heir to the throne to almost servant,to bastard by law... Daughter to a queen,become the "bastard" to let the King marry Ann Boleyn ,daughter of simple vice-count in the times when those things about "nobility" were taken so serious... greavious insult i think.
Her father killed already about 500 Catholics.Thing is Catholics were then PERSECUTED in England too. And executed too as we see...
Neither her father nor her brother were doing anything to let Mary her find a husband, she even wanted to run from England, she married at least Philip IInd of Spain at the age of 37. Those invention of "Anglicanism" by her father ruined her life. And she is called bloody because she ordered to kill 280 protestants.When I repeat - her father were responsible for killing over 500 Catholics and "it is nothing". She ruled 5 years only and died because of ovarian cancer or something.
And again Elisabeth I,her sister were enforcing Anglicanism. Of course she were, whole Anglicanism were invented to make her father marry her mother !
Elisabeth ruled about 40 years or more. Fawkes conspiracy were in 7-th year of rule of Jacob Stuart who were of course NOT the son of Elisabeth,but the son of Mary Stuart catholic queen of Scotland murdered/executed at the order of Elisabeth - he were raised as protestant,but it was mostly politician thing again.
It were all about politics and survival,because catholics and protestants were obviously fighting each other and murdering each others then. Come on, 8 years later begun bloody 30-years war which were ruining Europe (especially Germany). All because of religious and politician shit. Catholics simply had hope they would somehow "stop those filthy degenerate protestantism" in England.
Simply Catholics were persecuted side hoping that they would somehow win against "heresy" existing less than 100 years and there were almost as many of them as protestants then. It wouldn't be good for protestants of course,but that were the medieval times where there were no Ecomunism shit and religious differences were taken too bloody (yes: too bloody...) serious to be solved by debates instead of by violence.
So u/Sadness: it wasabout restoring Catholic rule,not just "Catholic on the throne". It was about stopping persecution of Catholics and starting persecution of Protestants instead. King was like president of USA.Alone without support of administration power of the president is quite limited.And so power of the king was. Court officials and house of the lords were those administration then.And that one officials were protestants. Do you REALLY think that such explosion of more than 20 barrels of gunpowder would kill only the king ? No,of course not. Fawkes wanted to blow up whole HOUSE OF LORDS ! Blow up whole fucking parliament not just only king. But as king were most important person there and only assault on the king were treated so seriously he is commonly known as man conspiring against the king.
Interesting that this is the very end of “V for Vendetta” with all of Parliament building getting completely demolished. Clearly symbolic of removal of yoke of oppression.
1605 was a year of three popes, if that can be a thing.
Yes it is a thing.Thing proving papacy considered as unified force itself were not so strong then.
But from another side - getting some legitimate cardinals from England who would be able to vote for some candidate to become a Pope...
Years later in 1621 conclave looked this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1621_papal_conclave 15 votes first,when previous pope in 1605 had 60 votes majority.
So it is possible having 1 or 2 legitimate cardinals from England were nice idea for some faction within Vatican. But really in those times Catholics were simply persecuted in England,and it was enough,blowing up the parliament with lords and king inside looked for Fawkes and his friends as nice idea.
Queen Elizabeth I was a hardcore occultist. She brought to her court John Dee, the magician who predicted Catholic Queen Mary’s death to the precise date.
Wow, most interesting. Clearly some habbenings there to dig into.