Not quite right about Gollum. That was Andy Serkis in a suit that had laser reflectors at key body junctures, like neck, waist, elbows, knees, etc. They captured the body motion kinetics, then transferred them to a CGI construct for rendering into the scene. Think of it as a computer-generated body suit, like makeup. Do we give an acting Oscar to a makeup man? Or to the man behind the mask?
Not quite right about Gollum. That was Andy Serkis in a suit that had laser reflectors at key body junctures, like neck, waist, elbows, knees, etc. They captured the body motion kinetics, then transferred them to a CGI construct for rendering into the scene. Think of it as a computer-generated body suit, like makeup. Do we give an acting Oscar to a makeup man? Or to the man behind the mask?
Serkins aided define a toon’s moves, whilst V’s voice and body moves were being V.
I'm not sure you get it. Without Serkin, there would have been no "moves." They were one-for-one. He provided the voice, too.
No, he portrayed a character in a different way. It was still him at the core.