They will save lots of money. Elon knows their secrets about “space”. Too bad they lost the calculation to get to the moon. I understand. I lost an axe in the leaves last time I went camping. Now they depend upon spacex for their “space”’flights.
The moon landings are symbolically real. The story we're fed of a physical landing on the moon is outlandish and laughable once you look into the details.
Methinks the feds are suddenly going to find a spotted owl at both Boca Chica, Tx and Cape Canaveral, Fl. and stop all launches.
They will save lots of money. Elon knows their secrets about “space”. Too bad they lost the calculation to get to the moon. I understand. I lost an axe in the leaves last time I went camping. Now they depend upon spacex for their “space”’flights.
Q said the moon landings were real, son.
Drop 2225.
The moon landings are symbolically real. The story we're fed of a physical landing on the moon is outlandish and laughable once you look into the details.
Q didn't say "symbolically."
They said what they said and they didn't say what they didn't say.
"Moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of public domain."
If NASA were willing to fake great accomplishments, they'd have a second one by now.
I loved that series, it flipped me to to believing that the moon landing was a hoax.
Absent a whole bunch of secret technology that we just don't know about, that is.