Washington's Plan to Break Up Russia - Global Research
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Perhaps we should work on improving our OWN nation... instead of working to tear down others. Just a thought.
That's just crazy talk... Our dear leaders know best.
You’re assuming the SH!%SHOW we’re in right now is not in line with (their idea of) perfection. :-0
The results and aftermath of this election will determine who gets the job of dismantling the DC cabal, the American patriots or the military.
Quite a bias. to showcase the 1918 expeditionary force landing in eastern Siberia to support the setup of a Peoples Republic based on the Constitution and against the red terror .....
Maybe it was to help out a people who helped America secure its independence and survival twice thanks to interference by the Czar ....
Too late, dudes, you missed the boat by a long shot.
Maybe we will see a similar article from the Kremlin on how they would chop up the US.