Charlie Kirk livestream
🔍 Votable
Watching the livestream and they just said there will not be a red tsunami after all and Republicans we’re premature in saying so. They started the night very upbeat but the mood has shifted drastically…
lmao why'd you change your original comment? You're that butthurt from before that you're following me around.
What I bring here is critical thought. I ask questions so that this place doesn't turn into reddit. It's not dooming. Dooming is when people give up and say lose hope.
I am pointing out problems that maybe others are scared to point out because it's tough to go against the crowd.
What do you do other than follow me around cause you're pissy I think you and your gf are weasels?
and ya, I know you're offended I don't give a shit about Israel because unlike you, I believe in America First and fuck everyone else till we get our shit together and that includes you and your gf's homeland far away in the middle east.
I don't have to follow you around to run into your regurgitated boluses every day.
You are a morale sink-hole.
Nah you're just upset cause I call it what it is with your gf's people. Not my fault I didn't set up the game, partner.
But if it makes you feel better that you're not following me around I guess you can say that to yourself lol cause so far, you've commented on one of my comments and another person who commented on one of my comments.
It's okay, I get it, buddy.
I commented to a comment which was commented on by a commentator who then proceeded to comment about the comment's commentary.
Nice sentence structure.
You don't get much at all.
.....and stop telling me "It's OK", it's about 50 times now.
Dude, I think you have some sort of mental health issue. You just can't help yourself following me around lol. It's okay bro. You're gonna be fine.