I'm trying to search for a comment in a post but I don't seem to be able to find it. The comment had "retire" and "abrams" as far as I remember. The post was just from one or two days ago.
Comments (16)
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? hunh? What do you mean by dropdown menu?
This is weird. I've seen other people mention these 3 lines but I don't have them. Hmm. I wonder if it's my browser. (Brave.) I sure would like to be able to access upvoted posts. That's a handy feature. All the other things you mentioned I'm able to access on the right, on the same line as the Hot, New, Rising and Top tabs. Well anyway, thanks for replying, fren.
Hmm. Okay. Yeah, it's probably the browser. Thanks.
Yeah, I've seen that feature under the settings button. But unfortunately I think I only upvoted the comment and not the post.
I found this article that has "Stacey+Abrams+retire"
Hope this helps.
Thanks, but no. The retire+abrams was in one of the comments of a gaw post. That's what I'm looking for.
Have you found it yet?
No, I gave up as it seems we can't search the comments, as far as I can tell. The comment was about a guy on line to vote and he mentioned something like "much to his and Stacey Abrams surprise" the person of color next to him was able to produce an ID. And I think a follow up comment said something about retiring the abrams tank.
That's nice of you. :o)
This is an enhanced search, of just the greatawakening.win domain. It'll search comments, using regular boolean terms and logic.
So I read this and it seems it's a client side bit of code which leads me to believe I can't use it to search for GAW posts and comments, other than maybe the post I'm currently viewing.