posted ago by HumblePede ago by HumblePede +84 / -0

I'm seeing multiple reports of RINOs slithering from their holes today, especially with the new 'DUMP TRUMP' campaign.

Well, there is a silver lining to this new development. We all know the dems intend to undermine our country. Now the outright betrayal by the RINOs will publicly mark them with a scarlet letter of shame for even the most normiest of normies to see.

Any RINO who pushes this narrative needs to be run out of office on a rail. Some potential ways to do that:

  1. Flood social media with memes and facts! Undermine their narrative before it gains a foothold.

  2. Use their surety bond to hold them accountable.

  3. Recall them.

  4. Support MAGA candidates who challenge them for nominations.

  5. Confront them publicly anywhere they appear.

  6. Mount legal challenges.

  7. Please add any other ways in the comments, warriors!!!

Frankly, I HOPE the RINOs are stupid enough to start pushing this. They will be painting a yuuuuuuge target on their backs. Time to clean up the Grand Old Party.